Weird VNC Problem in Fedora Core 5


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 4, 2001
I've having this weird problem with FC5. I'm using the vncserver that came with the latest release of FC5, and have used VNC Client 4.1.2 and TightVNC. Now my problem is whenever I attempt to drag an icon on the desktop (or any icon/file/folder/etc. when I'm browsing through the hard disk), all the icons disappear (and navigation windows as well). Then the icons on the desktop reappear, along with the home folder of the current user opening in a seperate window. Any programs I have open does not close however. This does not happen if I'm using the machine locally. Has anyone else ever had such an absurd problem?
haha glad to know im not the only one; i wonder if there has been any bug reports filled?

in the meantime, I guess I'll try using CentOS...

oh yea and it only happens in GNOME; load KDE on it and the problem goes away...