weird backgroung noises


Limp Gawd
Jun 19, 2003
I have an Abit IS7 using integrated sound and a good pair of headphones. The problem is that when no sound is playing on the headphones I hear backgroung noises that seen to be computer interference. For example the sounds will be the loudest when I am downloading a file, using my cd drive, etc. Is there anyway I can fix this.
I don't think I've ever heard integrated sound ever do well with powering headphones...

In my experience, a stand alone sound card will do better. If that's not an option for you, you might try:
1) A headphone amp, then jack the computer volume slider all the way up, thus hopefully increasing the signal-to-noise going into the amp.
2) An inline volume control to plug your headphones into, turn the volume way down, and do the same as above, maximizing the output from the card. If doing this I also recommend taping the control on the inline control so you don't accidentally increase the volume and blow your ears out.
3) Use a digital connection to an external receiver, then you can totally avoid the problem and do as you please with the sound settings.