Website +XHTML +50pg Manual.


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 30, 2000
Currently this ~50pg training manual is a .doc that gets turned into html files for all to see. I wanted to give more flexibility as well as save time when updating this manual. (always work in progress) so I decided to get a website put together.

I want to create a very informative but organized website from the content of this manual. All the content from the manual will be on this website in one form or another. It's just gonna be how it's displayed and organized is the issue.

I've already created the website outline in XHTML, but now it's time to start creating the pages, and adding all this content. This is where I need your help.

There is multiple sub categories within this doc, and everything is arranged in a process order. For example one of the tasks is teaching someone how to navigate around the entire system. The next topic digs into a specific topic about the system at which it goes more in depth with screenshots etc.. make sense?

I would like some sort of easy way to navigate through everything, but also be able to see or get a good idea of the other topics.

I'm working with server 2003 on IIS with .asp enabled. So far i've created a template .asp page with several includes etc. Very few graphics, and mostly CSS driven.

Any ideas? Thanks all!
No other suggestions?

Been tweaking the design, but I really need to start adding all this content. I guess I'll just dive into it and tweak with css as I go... :rolleyes::p
Why not use a better format & then generate everything else from that?

Docbook comes to mind.
Why not use a better format & then generate everything else from that?

Docbook comes to mind.

A better format? Do you mean from my .doc or XHTML and asp?

The doc where I'm getting all my content has always been done in a .doc file. It has lots of text, as well as lots of screen shots. I'm trying to stear away from a word doc, and into something better...

My server is administered by me, as well as 2 others; My managers. I can only do so much, but ASP is enabled. And I'm pretty good at creating XHTML sites.

Hopefully that's less confusions, and more answers...

Will look into docbook, ty!;)