Webcam to view anywere


Oct 19, 2010
Hello, I am wanting to set up my web cam at home so i can view it at work or where ever i want. Is this possible? Sorry im not so descriptive if you have any questions just let me know

Dono if this is the right thread ither >_<

I think the easiest way would be to set up your home computer for a remote desktop connection then just logon whenever you wanted to see the webcam. Might not be the best video feed but I should be good enough. To do this you will probably need to set up a dynamic dns and port forwarding on your router.
There was a thread about this a few months back, i can't remember the name of the software he ended up using but it looked pretty decent. Try doing a forum search and see if you can find it should work for this.

I have a co-worker who watches his dogs at home during the day on his Evo 4G at work. He said he uses and can watch on his phone or online.