WD1001FALS $72 FS

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Limp Gawd
Jun 15, 2004

Valid until 9AM PDT 7/1/10

Maybe not too hot for 1TB drives in general, but for this specific drive, it's at least warm.


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I would say this is a better deal. I bought one a few days ago with rebate and free hard drive dock, still has rebate but no dock now but you save $7 with code. Comes out to $52.99 after rebate.
None of us are going to want to be using a 1TB HD come five years from now, let alone three years from now...

Well, I hadn't realized that the Global Representative of Everyone was among us here at [H], my apologies, Your Excellency. :D

Seriously though, I use my pair for media archival...I can certainly see wanting more than 3 years out of them.

Once again:

Maybe not too hot for 1TB drives in general, but for this specific drive, it's at least warm.


Seriously though, I use my pair for media archival...I can certainly see wanting more than 3 years out of them.

Let me put it this way:

Three years ago on sale 300GB HDs were $150. Now they're $50.

So, a 1TB HD today is $60. Three years from now when the warranty expires they are ~$20. That's the price of shipping a HD for an RMA to receive a re-certified HD instead of for the same amt three years from now just getting a new drive.

That only gets worse five years from now, when the warranty on the WD Black would finally run out, and the Black even cost $12 more, so it's $12 more lost.

More than three years out, you're just losing money paying more for more warranty. Getting a new drive is cheaper than RMAing just to receive a recert.

(And yes all the HD manufs realize this. That's why most dropped five-yr warranties, and why WD kept it for the Blacks, because it's just extra dough in their pocket.)
Ahh, so it's not so much that you have any issue with this deal in particular, you just feel that WD is running some sort of scam with the Black series in it's entirety.


EDIT: Also, from Xbit:

Western Digital’s Caviar Black are still the best if you are looking for the fastest HDD. These 1TB drives have not yet transitioned to 500GB platters and are slightly inferior to their opponents in terms of top speeds under sequential loads, but they are really very, very good at everything else. The most enjoyable fact is that new revisions of Caviar Black drives prove to be a little bit faster than their predecessors.

Hitachi has tried to revise its firmware but there is still a lot of work to do. The results of the Hitachi 7K1000.C were often poor due to firmware flaws and this perspective product is only as fast as its predecessor while having higher potential.
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I had a pair of these for awhile, and they are incredibly fast for mechanical drives (especially if you short stroke them). Definitely worth the money over others in the class, especially if you do a lot of I/O type stuff. A word of caution though: that speed comes at the price of a noisy motor. However, it sounds like an 80mm fan, and not some high-pitched whine.
None of us are going to want to be using a 1TB HD come five years from now, let alone three years from now...

Ummm, wrong. I am still using a 400GB SATA 1 Hitachi server drive to store all of my music. More reliable drives are more reliable for a reason dummy. This is a pretty good deal. I would take a server level drive of half the size over a budget 1TB drive any day. Seems like you have never had a drive fail on you. :rolleyes:
Let me put it this way:

Three years ago on sale 300GB HDs were $150. Now they're $50.

So, a 1TB HD today is $60. Three years from now when the warranty expires they are ~$20. That's the price of shipping a HD for an RMA to receive a re-certified HD instead of for the same amt three years from now just getting a new drive.

That only gets worse five years from now, when the warranty on the WD Black would finally run out, and the Black even cost $12 more, so it's $12 more lost.

More than three years out, you're just losing money paying more for more warranty. Getting a new drive is cheaper than RMAing just to receive a recert.

(And yes all the HD manufs realize this. That's why most dropped five-yr warranties, and why WD kept it for the Blacks, because it's just extra dough in their pocket.)

Actually, after several years they don't even carry those smaller sizes anymore and will upgrade you.

I've RMA'ed raptors and gotten bigger and faster versions.

I RMA'ed 2x 320GB Seagates and got 2x 640GBs. 750GB 7200.10 for a 1TB 7200.12.
Ummm, wrong. I am still using a 400GB SATA 1 Hitachi server drive to store all of my music. More reliable drives are more reliable for a reason dummy. This is a pretty good deal. I would take a server level drive of half the size over a budget 1TB drive any day. Seems like you have never had a drive fail on you. :rolleyes:

I occasionally pull out my 200GB IDE drive to store random stuff sometimes too. Hard drives I buy I plan to use for a really long time. :confused:

And here I thought WD Black drives were universally loved. I'm definitely happy with my 640 and am looking to get a single platter 500.
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