WCG Challenges - Let's participate!


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 27, 2008
While looking around at team stats, I saw here that there's several challenges, both ongoing and upcoming, we can start participating in. I think it would make the crunching effort more fun, drum up some additional support for it, and draw more positive recognition to [H].

There's not very many active [H] crunchers at the moment, but that can always improve (internally or externally). Granted, it's safe to say most of [H] does Folding, I support it and WILL NOT discourage it, but it doesn't make the WCG sciences any less valuable.

I'd like to get in touch with our Captain, hitobahadur, but I couldn't find the user name through a forum search, so does anyone know what his alt is? He's been inactive for over 6 months and, as far as I know, he's got the power to get this thing rolling. If he'd like to remain inactive, we could vote for a new Captain out our active members, as a suggestion. I cannot email him as he's opted out of it:
There is not currently a captain of your team, or the captain of the team has not opted-in to receive E-mails from members of the team.
edit: found him and PM'd.

Thanks, fellas! :)
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rflcptr - Yeah hito is the team captain and while he isn't extremely active on the boards or in WCG currently he is usually lurking around here. I would bet that it wont take him too long to respond to your PM. hito entered us in a few races last Christmas. Some of the big WCG players usually enter a challenge in Dec called the Christmas Race. Its usually a month long points race. I would really like to do it again this year. I got the ball rolling last year and the Horde of course came to play (our teams points production doubled duringthe race and some of the new comers are still crunching).

Im going to try and finish the month out with Malaria Control project but then in Nov and for sure for the Christmas Race in Dec I'll be working on WCG. Help is on the way. ;)

Great work in WCG by the way. Awesome crunching.
^ What he said - I'll have 10 cores there for the Xmas push as well!
is there a big compettion within WCG atm?

I have only folded for my own personal team there, but may be able to swap my account atleast over to help the [H]orde there(on my boxen that does this)......

What competition is this you are talking about ?
Yeah I'd be in for a few WCG challenges. :)

Alot of the [H]ard crunchers work on projects on the DC-Vault. WCG is one of them that we have. We are currently number 10 overall for those.

I only add in DC-Vault because that what a lot of the [H]ard Commados work on :)
i would run WCG but the new boinc client runs like absolute shit and makes my computer completely unusable..
Great work in WCG by the way. Awesome crunching.
is there a big compettion within WCG atm?

I have only folded for my own personal team there, but may be able to swap my account atleast over to help the [H]orde there(on my boxen that does this)......

What competition is this you are talking about ?
Basically, there's all sorts of challenges based on time spent computing, results returned, or points generated on some set of projects for some period of time. The size of team can be enforced, etc.

i would run WCG but the new boinc client runs like absolute shit and makes my computer completely unusable..

This is interesting to hear Monkey..You are 100% f@H stable correct? I wonder if it is just the client..

I haven't run WCG on my box since I traded in the q6600 for my X6, but I racked up over 8 million points for the [h] team back then...I still one dual core lappy doing WCG for our team though...

In that case i can throw a athlon x2 5000+ toward the horde for a bit
Monkey, I'm thinking it has something to do with how BOINC runs by default when you installed it. Depending on the project, GPU work may have automatically been downloaded and committed to crunching, which might explain your computer being "unusable." I've noticed a good deal GUI sluggishness under that circumstance (i7 920, GTX 260, 12 gigs memory), but never when the crunching was being done by the CPU exclusively.
This is interesting to hear Monkey..You are 100% f@H stable correct? I wonder if it is just the client..

I haven't run WCG on my box since I traded in the q6600 for my X6, but I racked up over 8 million points for the [h] team back then...I still one dual core lappy doing WCG for our team though...

yeah im 100% fah stable.. never had a failed CPU WU(besides 2 defective WU's) and never had my system crash because of my overclock..

Monkey, I'm thinking it has something to do with how BOINC runs by default when you installed it. Depending on the project, GPU work may have automatically been downloaded and committed to crunching, which might explain your computer being "unusable." I've noticed a good deal GUI sluggishness under that circumstance (i7 920, GTX 260, 12 gigs memory), but never when the crunching was being done by the CPU exclusively.

never ran GPU WU's on it.. havent done that in almost a year 1/2 now.. i had my gpu3 clients running originally figured maybe that was the problem.. turned those off and was still the same problem.. ill figure it out one of these days.. just waiting til the november giveaway is over then switching completely.. have no interest in running F@H anymore..
I thought I'd bump the thread since it'd be great for us to hop in on some November challenges, given it's a week away. :)
soooo, you do need help then ;)

I guess i can swap my account to the [H]orde for a few weeks.....X2 5000+ and an i7 620m(nights only, and sometimes at that) coming yoru way........

I dont have to set it for a specific project do I ? Its just based off poitns right ?
soooo, you do need help then ;)

I guess i can swap my account to the [H]orde for a few weeks.....X2 5000+ and an i7 620m(nights only, and sometimes at that) coming yoru way........

I dont have to set it for a specific project do I ? Its just based off poitns right ?

Thanks for the help W.Feather! It depends on the challenge - some of the challenges are based on points, run time, work units, etc.

rflcptr - Any word from Hito?
Hito - you lurking anywhere around here? :)
well, so long as the project i have setup ( Help Cure Cancer, Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy, and Help Fight Childhood Cancer ) are good for it i'm fine with switching my 5000+ and what run time my tablet gets over to the [H]orde team from my personal team
Thanks for the help W.Feather! It depends on the challenge - some of the challenges are based on points, run time, work units, etc.

rflcptr - Any word from Hito?
Hito - you lurking anywhere around here? :)

No word yet.
I'll probably move my i7 over to WCG soon and start prepping for the Christmas Race!
Got a response!
I have done them in the past, but have not been posting much or grid/folding much in the past year. I am more than willing to pass on the role to someone who is full of energy. Let me know if there is such a candidate.


So, besides me, who's interested?
Christmas Challenge!

I'm in like Flinn!

A week before it starts, post a new thread with a "How to Guide" and what project we need to do.
I'm in once they get more work available for DDDT2 and launch CEP2 on Windows.

I've been trying to crunch CEP2 on a Athlon XP rig running Ubuntu 10.04. All units fail with RC = 0x4 errors. I suspect the project requires SSE2 support. Has anyone seen this error?

I just got my electric bill and realized a 30% savings by consolidating 5 machines down to 2 machines. Unfortunately, my production has taken a hit in the process. I'm thinking about building a dedicated folding box to retire my last single core box and making my e5200 the family machine. Looking at the AMD quad/hex deals at Microcenter. Not sure about jumping on the I7 bandwagon with Sandy Bridge coming soon.
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They are running BETA units for the CEP2 Win/Mac units right now...so get them while you can...they are quite rare.
I'll try and work on a how to guide before the Christmas Race.

Argfan - I could run some units on my i7 for a few days if you want some performance numbers. I havent tried any of the new CEP2 units.

I plan on moving all my machines over gradually through the month. I will probably run some of the Clean Water project since I havent run any of that project yet.
I'm down for throwing my cpu on it. Brand new to Boinc and WCG though so would need some advice (i've got it set up running now, but not sure if it's running the proper stuff for the competition!)
CEP2 for Win/Mac launched today .. got my main rig moved over .. will be crunching CEP2 and DDDT2 for the duration of the Christmas Race.

metallicafan - Thanks for the offer. My rig is running CEP2 fine. I'm seeing lots of hard disk activity running two units at a time which is expected.
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It is recommended to only run 1 CEP2 work unit per 2 cores. There is a lot of disk writes on this specific project. Also, keep in mind that CEP2 have higher bandwidth needs. If you disable the restriction of only 1 per 2 cores that you wont want to download all of them at once. I would start with a few then let others start a little later so they don't try completing all at the same time as well. Again, they have higher bandwidth needs.
did they ever make a CUDA client for WCG?

I know there was a lot of talk about it
There are CUDA and ATI client for several other BOINC projects but to this point WCG is strictly a CPU based project.