Waterfall Res!

Would you buy a waterfall res if one existed?

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The guy that I have been talking to is checking this thread so anything you guys want, me and him can work out the details. His company mainly makes acrylic cases but I thought this might be something else they could get into. Keep the ideas flowing and we'll see what we can do. I will be in Florida next week so you wont hear from me too much until after I get back. I wont let this idea die though.

I'm back from vacation and I haven't received any emails from the guy that is making it for me. I believe with the plate in the bottom there to bounce the air bubbles back to the top that there would be no problem but I'll have to test one to make sure. That is if the guy is going to make me one. Are you still reading this thread Frank? Throw me a line when you can!
I was going to jump on this idea. I came REALLY close to building one myself, then I thought about its purpose. Unlike many of you I have my watercooling in a seperate tower. Since the tower really was not designed to hold 2 rads, a pump, and a res, it really doesnt look all that nice. Anyway, then I pondered whether I should build something on my own. I thought of a few concept designs, but most of them would be very difficult to build. At the same time, I thought of the waterfall (that was before I read this thread). I want to increase that "wow" factor a bit.

Thinking of the idea, I then remebered how my small res. builds up a ton of condensation when my video card and CPU are cranking away. So, this would sort of defeat the purpose of building it in the first place- that is you would never be able to see it half of the time.

I think I may go back to the srawing board on this one. Need to build something which looks cool, but at the same time I am able to build it without a lot of work- that is without a lot of bending and such.

Good luck to all of you who are going to persue this idea. That concept model is GREAT! That thing came out amazing. Kudos to Jiggaman2576!
I haven't forgotten about this project. Does anyone know of a place that does custom acrylic bending and fabrication? The place I tried to get it done at is so busy with their own projects that they don't have time to do it for me. I can google I guess but thought maybe someone knew of a place already.
No idea here. If you use thin enough plexi for the inside (I am guessing thats what you would like bent), you should be able to do it yourself no problem (using a good old heat gun). I understand you are busy, but it may save you some money and troubles in the long run.