Watercooling Rams


Sep 11, 2001
Why has no one every watercooled their ram or has it been done and I'm just a tool? If you have, post some pics would be cool to see
Ram doesnt need watercooling. It doesnt even need those 10$ heatspreaders on them. To put a ram waterblock into your system would be difficult, and it would restrict flow around your system. For something that doesnt need to be cooled, thats quite a price to pay.
It's been on done videocards. But unfortuantly, it was never benchmarked because the guys cat destroyed the card when he left it on the table.

I'll see if I can drum up the link.

The benefits at this point in time aren't worth it, that's probably the reason why no-one has really done it.

But, with that in mind, it'd probably be easy to do. Simply getting a block of aluminum/copper and drilling a 1/2inch hole through it then adding the proper barbs/attachments. Presto, insta-watercooled ram :)

It doesnt even need those 10$ heatspreaders on them.

I keep hearing this, and I've yet to see one shred of evidence for or against the arguement. So for now, we'll leave it out :)
i know for a fact that my old corsair bh-5 clocked 10mhz higher with lower latency when cooled by ambient air temp to 5C.
Even the RamGuy from Corsair said that the heat spreaders available on system memory is pretty much worthless. Heat really isn't an issue with memory right now. I will see if I can find a link later.




those blocks the guy at "zero fans" makes are gorgeous. too bad they dont make them in mass.
I've talked to him a couple of times about them. He has some plans to produce and sell them and a few companies who are intrested in helping him do it.He works as a mechanic/engineer for a pro racing team though so he has been too busy to get anything going. And yes, his work is absolutely stunning. He actually gave the GF3 card he did to the CEO of Nvidia.
Originally posted by computerpro3
i know for a fact that my old corsair bh-5 clocked 10mhz higher with lower latency when cooled by ambient air temp to 5C.

Maybe it will run faster with lower ambient temps, but that says nothing about the effect of ramsinks. Try it with and without ramsinks at the same ambient temp with the same amount of local airflow, and that will give better results.
yea but i was talking about watercooling....if you brought the ram down to around ambient, I'm sure it would clock higher. Notice however, that I don't think the cost would be worth it as the ram only clocked 10mhz higher when at 5C and watercooling is only at around 25C water temp normally.....it's not worht it imho but it would help.
Do they sell those ram blocks in that pic?
Originally posted by Leatherface
like this?

The point? I mean, seriously now folks.... there is no need at all to water cool your RAM.. thats just getting stupid.
Well I think that ram does need some better cooling than what it has now.
When your ram is running as fast as mine is right now it gets too hot to touch!


And these have copper heatspreaders on them.
It actually makes my case temps go up;)
They are called 'heatspreaders' for a reason. They don't act as heatsinks, par se, but they move heat fromt he hot part of the ram chips to the cool parts. I had some crappy generic RAM (a stick of PNY and a stick of Corsair? Crucial? I don't know) and I got some heatspreaders. Before I get lectured on how it's a waste to spend $11 on ram sinks, I bought the package because there were little heatsinks for RAM in the same package. I cut those RAM sinks up into litter RAM sinks and put them on my FX. I put the heatspreaders on my RAM just for the hell of it. Voila, I could now overclock by a couple more mhz.

I noticed with my RAM, the center of the chips get really hot, but not the edges... So, why not pull that heat out of the center and spread it out, so everything is running at more of a mean temperature? Instead of having the cold edges and hot center? Makes sence to me. I'm nto willing to buy waterblocks and watercooling jsut for my RAM, though. And my Geil Platinum 3200 RAM's heatspreaders get quite hot. ;)

There are a lot of new vid cards out that have really high RAM clocks. Without cooling, they would fry. Helps with overclocking as well. ;)
and some people say that cooling your south bridge isnt needed eather... but buy adding a old heatsink off of a creative s3 savage4 video i didnt get any faster speeds... but the machine stabalized at the speed i was running...

there no such thing as to cool... if it gets warm at all... you can cool it and go that much further...
