Water Cooling Problem

Mar 17, 2004
I'm new to water cooling and about 2 weeks ago got a Swiftech H2O-8501 kit. To make a long story short the radiator leaked so I returned it and just got a new one. After putting it in the case I put water into the system. I then powered on my system and about 10 seconds of being on it shut itself off (i.e. when the cpu overheats and makes the beeping noise). What could be wrong?
I have a AMD 2800+ with a Biostar M7NCD motherboard. Thanks for the help!
10 seconds isn't enough time for the water to heat up enough for the processor to shut off, so the problem is probably with your waterblock mounting. Make sure you have a thin layer of thermal paste and that your waterblock is flat against the processor and that it is tightened down fully.
also, you could be using one of the motherboards that will not power on unless they get a good speed reading from the CPU Fan connector.

connect any rpm-sensing fan to the CPU Fan header, go to BIOS and disable CPU Fan error->shutoff. look around - should be somewhere in the Health Monitor section or the likes.
I took off the waterblock and changed the thermal paste-filled with water and started it up-shut itself off again. I then tried pluging in the fan off of my old heatsink, but it still does not work. What else could it be?-might the pump be drawing to much power?
give me/us more specs of your system. the devil is in the details!

for starters, what PSU are you using?
Here's my system:
AMD 2800+
Biostar M7NCD
1 GB Kingston Ram PC 3200
420 Watt power
120 GB Maxtor 7200 RPM
ATI 9600 Pro 256 MB

I started the system up with out the pump plugged in, but had a fan plugged in and it still shut down after about 10 sec. I then took out all ram and changed slots, left battery out, ect.
Make shure your Waterblock is in the correct orientation on the CPU, there could also be a small possibility that air is traped in the waterblock (Unlikely) is there a kink in the tubing that could be slowing down the flow rate? Was there a thin plastic sticker on the base of the waterblock?
I tried putting my old heat sink on and it works fine. I think the problem is the tubing on the waterblock is putting too much pressure on it, causing it to lift off of the cpu. I now need to find a way to secure the tubing so that it won't be able to move the water block (I don't like the spring loaded clamps that come with the water block because they do not work that well).