watching real player at work

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Mar 10, 2005
ok heres a problem alot of us who work at companies have, i want to watch some videos i have on cd at work but they are real player files and i dont have real player on my computer, since i am blocked from installing anything on my computer at work how to i watch these files. i downloaded windows media classic which doesnt require installation and the i was goign to use real alternative but i cant install it or put the codec file in system32 because i cant touch systems32 thanks to "the man" please help
I would suggest contacting your computer administrator and ask him to go about installing it on your computer (since you work in company etc. I'm assuming you have such a person). If this will not go over well then maybe just burn the real player installation files to a CD and install them yourself on your workstation (this may not be allowed if you have an administrator... may not have the proper privaleges to do so).
unfortunatly to say my administrator is a hardass would be an understatement so thats out of the question to ask, need something i can download but requires no installation process
Sorry, I don't know of any media player that doesn't require installation, especially for RealPlayer video files since it is a proprietary file type.
You're toeing the line of what can be discussed here. If your company has a policy of not letting users install software, it's for a reason. Breaking this rule could end up with you being fired. My advice would be, to watch the movies at home if you care about keeping your job.
We can't help you bypass your work pc lockdowns. This falls under the same thing as helping kids bypass school firewalls. We'll help you frag your own pc until it cries for it's windows disk, but when it comes to your work pc, that's off limits.
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