Wasteland 2 Official Release.


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Wasteland 2 has been officially released on Steam. Here is a link to the Steam page. Pricing is $39.99 for the regular edition and $59.99 for the digital deluxe.

$40 gets you:
The base game.

$60 gets you:
The base game.
A free copy of Wasteland 1 - The Original Classic.
A free copy of The Bard's Tale.
Three digital novellas set in The Wasteland world.
Mark Morgan's Wasteland 2 original sound track in digital format.
An incredible digital concept art book showcasing many of the world's characters and environments.

So who's getting this? Who's already playing? What are your first impressions of the game world, characters, game play?
Discuss. :)
I'm a Kickstarter backer. My special swag is supposed to arrive via FedEx tomorrow from what I see.

I have to work-from-home today and it is SO HARD not to open up Steam and start dabbling.
So have they fixed the combat system in the game or is it still really boring/non-tactical?
Currently playing this, loving it so far. Kinda feels like I'm playing Fallout 1/2 again. The world-building, characters and writing are impressive. Combat is more or less a streamlined XCOM, it's not terribly complicated but I think it's serviceable. Brian Fargo and the devs said they're looking at adding several layers of depth to it in the future (targeted shots, stealth, etc.).

This is the sort of game where you want to meet every NPC and explore every area just due to how interesting they are. It's something that many, many games are missing these days. One of my favorite things, though, is Mark Morgan's soundtrack. It's good to have this back after Fallout 3/NV's terrible "radio DJ".

That said, it's definitely rough around the edges. Graphics are average at best and I feel like the UI is pretty unintuitive. If you can look past these issues, then I would strongly advise you pick this game up.
i played this for a couple hours last night. the storyline really sucks you in. the interface lacks depth though.
loving it so much it feels like old school fallout and the combat can be challenging and some of the dialogs are funny as hell. overall its just really well done
The basic problem is unity is not very efficient yet (MM X had the same issue) so a bit of umph is required by the system. I've only played a little but my system doesn't seem to have any problems (and it did fine with MM X 'cept for a few out door areas). I have a 7950 i5 8GB ram.
Have played about four hours (just entered the Ag). Quite compelling. Looks like the available XP is fixed in this game, so I hope I didn't screw myself by dropping charisma to one on three of my characters. This also means you'll want do to things even if they're not strictly necessary, like breaking down a fence to an area you already have access to.
i played this for a couple hours last night. the storyline really sucks you in. the interface lacks depth though.

I know I'm going to sound like a jerk, but did you even look at their kickstarter page? Customization of the GUI is one of the design pillars for the game. The default GUI is bare-bones by default *on purpose* with the expectation that you'll customize it to your desires.
The basic problem is unity is not very efficient yet (MM X had the same issue) so a bit of umph is required by the system. I've only played a little but my system doesn't seem to have any problems (and it did fine with MM X 'cept for a few out door areas). I have a 7950 i5 8GB ram.

I've had a chance to compare on the same hardware and I'm getting a lot more out of Unity (and hence, Wasteland 2) on Linux (Ubuntu 12.04.4 x86_64) rather than Windows 7 SP2 x86_64.
I've had a chance to compare on the same hardware and I'm getting a lot more out of Unity (and hence, Wasteland 2) on Linux (Ubuntu 12.04.4 x86_64) rather than Windows 7 SP2 x86_64.

What's the bottleneck? cpu or gpu?
I know I'm going to sound like a jerk, but did you even look at their kickstarter page? Customization of the GUI is one of the design pillars for the game. The default GUI is bare-bones by default *on purpose* with the expectation that you'll customize it to your desires.

no. i actually haven't even messed with customization. don't get me wrong, the game is amazing. i'm about 10 hours in now and it just gets better and better.
What's the bottleneck? cpu or gpu?

I don't know, honestly, as I didn't investigate. I just noticed that load times are shorter in Linux and the I'm getting ~10-15 more FPS on average.

My rig is a Core2Quad Q9650, 8GB RAM, GTX 670.
Game is hard as balls. But wow its a great throwback to the isometric era that seems so distant now.

Not for the faint of heart though. Brutally difficult even on easier settings. But I love the challenge. I can see myself playing this over again.

Every once in a while Kickstarter produces something magical.
How does this game compare to Divinity:OS?

IMO, both games have their flaws. D:OS had a weak story and atmosphere but amazing combat. Wasteland 2 has great dialogue and immersion but character development and combat is lacking big time especially after playing D:OS.
the character development is way better in this then divinity and thers way more npcs to pick up then just the two finding a Indian whit all his skill points in to toaster repair is funny as hell

Combat is fun and like the old fallout games and can be hard

Story and dialogue and immersion it not even colse wasteland by far is the better game. I could never get in to d: os but wasteland is like a black hole before you know it its 3 in the morning
I've been slammed at work recently. I just made myself a nice mixed drink and I'm about to settle in for my first long session with the final build.
Damned it.

Wasteland2 version is 57219

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing!

(Filename: Line: 1783)

UnloadTime: 3.906088 ms
Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 6 / Dirty serialized files: 0)

Unloading 197 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 11669.
Total: 8.686666 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.252779 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.848157 ms MarkObjects: 6.699245 ms DeleteObjects: 0.531890 ms)

D3D device reset failed [invalid call]

(Filename: Line: 357)

Switching to resolution 1920x1080 failed, trying lower one
All resolution switches have failed
Screen: could not switch resolution (1920x1080 fs=0 hz=60)
Crash in winutils::processInternalCrash(PEXCEPTION_POINTERS pExInfo)SymInit: Symbol-SearchPath: '.;i:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Wasteland 2;i:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Wasteland 2\Build;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\system32;SRV*C:\websymbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols;', symOptions: 530, UserName: 'Steven'
OS-Version: 6.2.9200 () 0x100-0x1

WTF did they do to this game? Trying to change graphic options makes it try to change resolution, which crashes. I can get it running by clearing out the registry of settings, but I can't configure it... first run my native res wasn't even in the drop down... then I restarted and tried to turn off AA and...

"Switching to resolution 2560x1440 failed, trying lower one
Switching to resolution 2560x1440 failed, trying lower one
All resolution switches have failed
Screen: could not switch resolution (2560x1440 fs=1 hz=60)"


And what's with the super-weird registry keys and invalid values?

EDIT: I think it's just incompatible with the raptr (aka AMD Gaming Evolved) client. Can't say I've run into that before.
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How good is the story? Is it more of a backdrop just to give a setting for exploration/killing things, or can you pick sides and sway the outcome?
Just encountered a bug where enemies respawned after I loaded a game.

It happened at the AG facility in the livestock pins with the rabbits. Pretty annoying.

I am running the latest patch.
Just encountered a bug where enemies respawned after I loaded a game.

It happened at the AG facility in the livestock pins with the rabbits. Pretty annoying.

I am running the latest patch.

I would expect nothing less from the same team that created Fallout.

I recall 3 months into Fallout 2 before they fixed the car disappearing bug :D I have not experienced a bug or crash yet, but time will tell.

Also, I'm playing this game maxed on my HTPC: 7, Core i3 3225, GTX 750 Ti, 8GB ram, Beautiful @ 1080p, smooth!

I really like the depth the fully-rotatable 3D battlefields brings to this game, and the difficulty is about te same as the old Fallout games (and I expect if I max-out a stat, it will be a cakewalk just like the older games). So far, much to like :D
The only bug I encounter so far is while transferring ammo between my toons. Transferring X amount of ammo causes half to appear in my toon's inventory, and another half disappears completely. It's annoying, especially considering how hard it is to come by. Most times, it only affects sniper ammo, dunno why.
all melee party. definitely feeling the struggle.


I noticed the melee weapons were a little lacking, then saw all the complaints about it online. Now EVERYBODY gets a pistol for secondary, or a grenade. Except Angela. She won't let that wrench outta her hands

I noticed the melee weapons were a little lacking, then saw all the complaints about it online. Now EVERYBODY gets a pistol for secondary, or a grenade. Except Angela. She won't let that wrench outta her hands

Melee is a slow start, but crazy strong late game. Things have smoothed out a bit
Just got to 'the valley'. How far am I through the game?
I used the pre-rolled characters. What a mistake. If you kill one, what are the replacements like?
5 hours in, great game but too many bugs. I'm constantly editing the XML files which would add what feels like an additional 2 hours. If it keeps up I'm going to have to stop playing
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I used the pre-rolled characters. What a mistake.

Using the shitty pre rolled characters with cheesy names like Angela Deth and Snake Vargas is part of the charm of the series. It's practically required.
I'm loving it so far. I can't wait for my boxed copy to come in the mail.

No bugs to speak of, lots of reading and the occassional voice acting is actually fairly good and not too over the top. I'm, for once, impressed with something I backed on kickstarter and feel I got good value for my dollar.