Warranty question

Well I got my computer back today. So far everythings looking good. Of course it all looked good last time it came back too but I was soooo dreading getting it back broken again. I am hoping that things will be okay now and that I wont have anymore failures.
So, you have the same MB, new GPUs and different memory, correct.

This thread is fast becoming legendary, for your information.

I hope the thing is finally fixed. Good luck.:D I think the only ones who made out on this deal were the shippers. Probably as much shipping as the cost of the computer.
At this point yes I have a new mobo(still evga 680i) two new bfg 8800gtx's(same as I had) and we replaced the corsair 9136 ram with some corsair 8500 ram. The mobo replacement was what it was sent in for. To date the computer has now had two mobo replacements, has had at least 4 8800GTX's replaced, and has burned up 3 sets of the corsair 9136 ram. All this has been since jan 16th this year and this last repair took 11 weeks.
At this point yes I have a new mobo(still evga 680i) two new bfg 8800gtx's(same as I had) and we replaced the corsair 9136 ram with some corsair 8500 ram. The mobo replacement was what it was sent in for. To date the computer has now had two mobo replacements, has had at least 4 8800GTX's replaced, and has burned up 3 sets of the corsair 9136 ram. All this has been since jan 16th this year and this last repair took 11 weeks.


Not trying to jinx you, but I am surprised no HDDs have died :)eek:).

It is crazy that you have had so much hardware failure. I am no computer wiz like many folks on this forum, but has the PSU been substantially tested? Are you using a UPS - could there be an electrical issue at your house? Just conjecturing.... is this all just bad luck or something more?

At any rate, we're pullin' for ya - hope it's smooth sailin' from here on out.
I have a PCP&C 1kw psu.. AVA tested it they say this last time. Whats bad though is that of all the failures most have been when the computer was in their possesion. They shipped with one bad vid card and had to replace ram and both vid cards on first repair. There was a series of symptoms that the computer also had that suggested a bad mobo. I aked them to look into it and gave them all relevant links and they sent computer back and it died 24 hours later... Of course it was a bad mobo. That was all within the first 2 weeks of owing the computer.

Then this last repair I started getting a hang at post and it got progressively worse. At that point we thought it was a HD issue. Was in fact a bad sata port. I teched it myself if I avoided one particular port on the mobo all was fine. If I used that port (on any of my 3 hds) I had drive corruption and hangs at post till computer refused to boot. Sent machine back to them and while they had it both vid cards died again and two more sets of ram went belly up. Thats why it took 11 weeks everytime something failed it would take a week to get new parts in and then another 4-5 days of testing the machine.

I do run on a APC Back UPS XS 1200 at the house so I am pretty sure I am getting stable power to the box. I sure hope things are fixed this time thats for sure.

I just upgraded my system to vista ultimate so I can do DX10 gaming...yeah yeah I know thats a potential source for issues in and of itself. I do like VIsta. Seems stable and there was a HUGE difference to me in the games I have that use DX10. City of Heroes sucks with vista though but thats not Vista.
Hey kodan, any new troubles since you've had it back? I think you've had it for a couple of weeks now (this last time anyway).
Well as of now everything still looks good. System is still working like a champ... Hoping that the 3rd time was the charm.

They did an even better job with the wiring work this time too. Used to have a hard time getting the case door on since it has 4 fans on the side of the door. Now though they rerouted some of those wires and it opens and closes smooth.

I am really hoping that I dont have to ever send it back again. Not 100% AVA's fault but their repair/warranty system did break down. They have done more to make it right with me so I cant rag on them too hard anymore :) I have also been told that they have done some things internally to make sure something like this doesnt happen again.
OMFG..... My computer is now giving me the dreaded nvlddmkm has stopped responding error :( This really sucks... it started that error about 3 weeks ago when playing Hellgate London since Hellgate is insanely buggy I didnt even worry about it. Now its doing the same error when I play City of Heros(takes about 30mins to give the error which them causes the screen to flash alot and then BSOD). I have looked all around on the web and no one can really pin that error down to one particular issue/problem.....

I am at my wits end with this issue. I downloaded memtest 86 and the two times it ran there were several hundred errors.... I downloaded memtest86 plus and it ran 4 or 5 cycles without a hitch... I updated my video card drivers to the most current beta drivers. I was previously using the most current WHQL ones.

I am so disappointed in this situation its not funny.... Cant even make it two months before something else starts going wrong with the computer... :( Want to throw the piece of crap out the damn window and eat the 4k loss.... Just really sickening that after all the issues its STILL not right...

Anyone have any concrete suggestions? I have tried every resource I can think of to fix the driver issue. I will try some other games that worked fine tomorrow since its so late tonight and see if I get the same error, I suppose it could be city of heros being borked.....

***** EDIT Since I have had a couple of questions directed my way I want to make sure people understand as of right now I dont think this is an issue that AVA needs to deal with. Granted things have taken awhile to work out with them but they HAVE taken care of me and made it right. I am just expressing my frustration. I have yet to even figure out if its just Vista and Nvidias crappy drivers. EDIT*******
Not sure if AVA uses the 650i but if they do try to switch to it if you can. MSI makes an excellent 650i.
Actually Misha just emailed me a few mins ago and has offered to upgrade me to a 780i if there is in fact a problem they need to deal with.... Have to applaud him for emailing me on a weekend and have to make an appology to him and AVA direct. I was frustrated and running tired last night when I posted and I only wanted to get more info if anyone had it on the issue and to vent a bit.

I SHOULD have posted a new thread rather than digging this one back up and coming accross like I thought they were at fault. There are about 50 different things people think might cause the issue and about that many fixes to try and it was unfair of me to insinuate that it might have been something wrong that they needed to deal with.
Hi Kodan, that offer from Misha sounds good. The problem is that a board motherboard can be the root cause of so many other issues, from dead or badly working SATA ports, to flaky voltage regulation, and many other issues. Once you get yourself up and running with a good motherboard many other issues will go away.

I hope it all works out for you. best of luck.
Wow holy crap I found a good post about how to fix the nvlddmkm.sys error and in looking at things somehow I had 13 different versions of that file floating around in my c:\windows\system32 folder...... That was pretty crazy. I use driver cleaner pro and I thought it was taking care of things... I WASNT using the most current version so I went off and paid 10 bucks and got the newest version... Now I have all of 2 versions of the nvlddmkm.sys file(after reinstalling drivers) and guess what......... Looks like it fixed things...

Boy do I have egg on the face.... I deffinately am going to do some more testing and all but it really looks like I owe Misha and AVA an apology... I really did think I was doing all the right things... Goes to show you even the best of us can screw up....
I wouldn't buy from them...ever. Even if they offered you an upgrade mobo in case your 680 konks out--it's meaningless. It's a cheap way to make you feel good and knowing your history with them, they'll use every measley attempt at making you feel good known to anyone that'll listen.

There's no excuse for the time it took to wait on parts. I know I could have gotten my hands on those parts alot faster than they took---it's super silly to taint your rep because you're waiting on parts. If they were truly having issues with the same parts as you, they'd have more on hand to expedite any future issues. It's not like people aren't building computers around that chipset so carrying a little overhead wasn't going to hurt them.

I never saw this thread until today and I really do feel for you. I would ask Chris how he'd feel if his car was in the shop more than in his posession, how would he feel? The fact that there was no follow up or even a personalized post in your favor erks me even more.

Its by word of mouth that many a company get business. THey could play a blind eye to your issues and count on the many happy clients that don't have problems. But there are many clients that could be that wont now that I won't be recommending them--you see, I'm special ;) or in your eyes, Mr. AVADirect should damn well be if I were to put my trust and hard earned money into your pocket for the best machine ever to hit my cold clammy hands. I could care less if that hurts their bottom line. But I know in my heart and by experience that they could have done more. Refunding you wasn't there only option. Upgrading you was.

It's no wonder they got a cool "7" rating on one of those machines they build. It seems they need to have a once over--or five over on their machines before they leave their facility. If this was a budget machine from a less than reputable maker, I'd be more receptive to the BS because it's somewhat expected. But, if you spend 1/10th of your annual income...not that you did, you should expect more than tshirts to make things right.