Warner Bros. Picks Blu-Ray Over HD-DVD

Its over folks. Stop fighting it.

STFU. Some people think this is a simple "format" war but there are millions of dollars backing both. This isn't a bobbing for apples kind of thing. This will go on for years. Guessing now makes you look stupid as hell. You can throw out as many statistics you like, no one knows yet. Quit with the doomsday shit.
STFU. Some people think this is a simple "format" war but there are millions of dollars backing both. This isn't a bobbing for apples kind of thing. This will go on for years. Guessing now makes you look stupid as hell. You can throw out as many statistics you like, no one knows yet. Quit with the doomsday shit.

Only it WON'T "go on for years". Blu now controls over 70% of all hd releases. Wake up. Warners defection included both new line (LOTR) and all HBO properties. Come to your senses.
$500 million is a lot of money to force crap down our throats.

If you can't beat them...buy them.
$500 million is a lot of money to force crap down our throats.

If you can't beat them...buy them.

There is absolutely no proof/truth to the 500mil rumor that just popped up. Just people trying to taint the decision.

Funny you should mention the cant beat them, buy them, when HDDVD actually did do that with paramount.
That may be true, however, after Sony got it's ass handed to them after the Betamax failure, do you think they'd risk yet another failure? Things were not looking good for Sony until this "deal".

Money, not competitively priced and equally performing products, may have saved the day for Sony.
STFU. Some people think this is a simple "format" war but there are millions of dollars backing both. This isn't a bobbing for apples kind of thing. This will go on for years. Guessing now makes you look stupid as hell. You can throw out as many statistics you like, no one knows yet. Quit with the doomsday shit.

No, it's over...
I simply do not understand people supporting HD DVD at this site? This is a site that people spend 1k+ on video cards that go out of date within 2 years. Yet you all will argue $99 HD vs $299 for blu. Yet those HD players are only 1080i vs 1080p for Blu. Please find me a HD DVD player that has 1080p support that isnt close to blu ray player prices?

We should be concerned with video quality and sound quality. The bottom line is, blu ray has a higher bit rate which means the video is less compressed and you get less of a mpeg effect. There is also room for multiple audio tracks ex Dolby TrueHD and DTS Master.

Just to be clear, I am no blu ray fanboy. I do feel that blu-ray has better movie quality, while HD has better interactivity. I simply want an end to this war. I bought a bluray player about a month ago and only have a few movies so far. If HD DVD wins the war I will throw my BD stuff in the dumpster and go get HD DVD. This now seems unlikely as it seems 08 will be BD.
I simply do not understand people supporting HD DVD at this site? This is a site that people spend 1k+ on video cards that go out of date within 2 years. Yet you all will argue $99 HD vs $299 for blu. Yet those HD players are only 1080i vs 1080p for Blu. Please find me a HD DVD player that has 1080p support that isnt close to blu ray player prices?

We should be concerned with video quality and sound quality. The bottom line is, blu ray has a higher bit rate which means the video is less compressed and you get less of a mpeg effect. There is also room for multiple audio tracks ex Dolby TrueHD and DTS Master.

Just to be clear, I am no blu ray fanboy. I do feel that blu-ray has better movie quality, while HD has better interactivity. I simply want an end to this war. I bought a bluray player about a month ago and only have a few movies so far. If HD DVD wins the war I will throw my BD stuff in the dumpster and go get HD DVD. This now seems unlikely as it seems 08 will be BD.
When compared in blind comparisons, you can't tell the difference. I know on my 105'' screen with the Epson 1080p projector sitting at the proper viewing distance, Blu-ray and HD DVD both look to be the same quality. It varies from movie to movie depending on the quality of film done in the transfer as well. There's some people that also argue that you can't tell the difference between 1080p and 720p. You're also talking about peak bitrates. With h264 or VC-1 encoding, anything around 25 to 30mbit/sec is high enough quality in 1080p for the fastest action scenes that you won't tell a difference if it is any higher.

The main reason people are upset here is because they don't want to spend a couple hundred dollars again for another player if they chose early in the game. Some people are also not wanting to support the extra levels of DRM being crammed down our throats with Blu-ray. Everyone on [H] is always so against DRM, and now some of the most prominent advanced forms of DRM are being carried on Blu-ray and people are just letting it slide. Sort of ironic, but hey, anything to end a format war. :p

I wouldn't jump to any conclusions yet. These companies have us by the balls, and now the BDA backed primarily by Sony has the consumers right where they want them. I doubt the shakeups are over.
So maybe the format wars are over and Blu-Ray won.
Now all they need to produce is some content worth watching. What good is all of the awesome resolution, bitrate and extra HD features when about 95% of movies totally suck or at least aren't worth watching repeatedly? At least in my opinion, that's the case.

Until I feel differently, I'll keep my old 4:3 TV to occasionally watch the precious little that actually interests me.
STFU. Some people think this is a simple "format" war but there are millions of dollars backing both. This isn't a bobbing for apples kind of thing. This will go on for years. Guessing now makes you look stupid as hell. You can throw out as many statistics you like, no one knows yet. Quit with the doomsday shit.

Sorry man, I'm completely apathetic on this war, but even I know when it's game over. Blu wins, end of story. HD DVD has only got one or two studios behind them now; Blu-ray has way more studios, and the disc sales definitely reflect this. It's done. Over. Sony wins. Move on.
HD DVD didn't win one week of software sales this year. Not one. No one spent 500 million to get Warner. Warner said all along it would look at sales and makes its decision, and it did.

This rumor is especially funny given that Paramount WAS bought off for hd dvd support.
HD DVD didn't win one week of software sales this year. Not one. No one spent 500 million to get Warner. Warner said all along it would look at sales and makes its decision, and it did.

This rumor is especially funny given that Paramount WAS bought off for hd dvd support.
Got proof nobody dealed $500 million? They were in talks to go HD DVD exclusive just as of last week. The BDA had to sway them with some large amount of something. :p
Funny I can't see how people who hate the RIAA and their ilk and can then support Blu-Ray. I don't want the winner to be the most oppressive DRM format, and also from the two worst studios ever. Sony who between their rootkits, outright lies to the public, and oh yes the original DIVX nightmare, and Disney who just pumps out crap straight to disk before they "lock away in the vault" aka wait a couple years and we will release a "NEWER" version that you will have to buy over again (especially if you have kids). The only winner here are the movie studios. Managed Copy and less oppressive DRM was the reason I went HD-DVD along with my complete mistrust of Sony.

Blu-Ray wins, the consumer loses.

I simply do not understand people supporting HD DVD at this site? This is a site that people spend 1k+ on video cards that go out of date within 2 years. Yet you all will argue $99 HD vs $299 for blu. Yet those HD players are only 1080i vs 1080p for Blu. Please find me a HD DVD player that has 1080p support that isnt close to blu ray player prices?

We should be concerned with video quality and sound quality. The bottom line is, blu ray has a higher bit rate which means the video is less compressed and you get less of a mpeg effect. There is also room for multiple audio tracks ex Dolby TrueHD and DTS Master.

Just to be clear, I am no blu ray fanboy. I do feel that blu-ray has better movie quality, while HD has better interactivity. I simply want an end to this war. I bought a bluray player about a month ago and only have a few movies so far. If HD DVD wins the war I will throw my BD stuff in the dumpster and go get HD DVD. This now seems unlikely as it seems 08 will be BD.
Sorry DIVX was a Disney thing not Sony. Why no love for the edit button in the forums?

Funny I can't see how people who hate the RIAA and their ilk and can then support Blu-Ray. I don't want the winner to be the most oppressive DRM format, and also from the two worst studios ever. Sony who between their rootkits, outright lies to the public, and oh yes the original DIVX nightmare, and Disney who just pumps out crap straight to disk before they "lock away in the vault" aka wait a couple years and we will release a "NEWER" version that you will have to buy over again (especially if you have kids). The only winner here are the movie studios. Managed Copy and less oppressive DRM was the reason I went HD-DVD along with my complete mistrust of Sony.

Blu-Ray wins, the consumer loses.
got proof there "WAS" a $500 mill pay off?
There had to be some sort of payoff that outweighed what HD DVD had to offer. Business deals don't happen for free. Have you ever been in the business world? :p
Got proof nobody dealed $500 million? They were in talks to go HD DVD exclusive just as of last week. The BDA had to sway them with some large amount of something. :p

Heres how this works: You are believing a RUMOR that has been openly denied. YOU have to provide the proof of it being true.
You have no proof of it being false. Null point. Nobody has proof of anything right now. With Warner's record of lying in the past week, I don't know how we can believe any "good" news. :p
You have no proof of it being false. Null point. Nobody has proof of anything right now. With Warner's record of lying in the past week, I don't know how we can believe any "good" news. :p

You're also believing Warner was in negotiations for hd dvd exclusivity, a bit of fluff I can't find any reliable reports for. You apparently have a huge problem with the concept of burden of proof, which is on you.
haha 4:3 and your talkin like your the shit hot critic Lol

Actually, the jokes on you. He nailed it.

4:3 Letterbox formated DVD's played on a large and modern wide screens (55" +) is fantastic. There is too little difference in DVD image quality between the two ratio's when played on DVD.
Yep. I don't care if it's in holo-surround-vision if the movie sucks. All of the tech in the world won't help if the content is poor. That's why I see little reason to upgrade. Oh yeah, I've watched stuff on 1080p LCD screens and was amazed at the crispness like everyone else, but the last time I saw that, they were playing Santa Clause 3. I think that makes the point pretty well.
Or just a PC with a dual core processor and decent video card, which most people have.
Or just a PC with a dual core processor and decent video card, which most enthusiasts have.

Fixed it for ya ;)

Also how many people have their PC hooked up to a HD TV, or even a 24"+ LCD?

How many other regular users would know where to get the needed drivers and other things to make it work on a PC?
Cue the funeral music for HD-DVD.
Glad i didnt buy an XboX360, Looks like we are getting a PS3 come tax time.;)
Ill stick to normal DVD's. :)

It will be easier/cheaper to see who wins at the end.

Yea, I know I felt really good picking up that VHS player, now that VHS killed Betamax. Whew, that was a nail biter for sure! ;)

I wouldn't jump to any conclusions yet. These companies have us by the balls, and now the BDA backed primarily by Sony has the consumers right where they want them. I doubt the shakeups are over.

Matsushita owns more patents on BR technology than anyone else. They stand to make MORE money than Sony.

Got proof nobody dealed $500 million? They were in talks to go HD DVD exclusive just as of last week. The BDA had to sway them with some large amount of something. :p

Uh, just so you know, you're not supposed to go around proving a negative - which is what you're asking for. Here's an example - prove that God doesn't exist. How would you go about that? Comb through the entire universe looking in every nook and cranny? Impossible.

You have no proof of it being false. Null point. Nobody has proof of anything right now. With Warner's record of lying in the past week, I don't know how we can believe any "good" news. :p

See above about proving a negative. Point taken about them denying such rumors last week though!
man. I was really rooting for HD-DVD. I absolutely detest Sony as a company. But I think this is probably the nail in the coffin for HD-DVD.

In the end, i will either d/l or buy LOTR.
It does look grim for HD-DVD and I was kinda hoping it would win the "war". The worst part of this is if HD-DVD does infact go the way of the dinosaur it's gonna be ages till we see a sub $200 Blu-Ray player. Lack of competition is never good for the consumer I mean look how stagnant the high end PC video card market has become with little or no compettion for nVidia.
You're also talking about peak bitrates. With h264 or VC-1 encoding, anything around 25 to 30mbit/sec is high enough quality in 1080p for the fastest action scenes that you won't tell a difference if it is any higher.

Agreed 100%. But my arguement was that better is better. Which is why we all sit in bios screens to tweak the cas to ras etc etc etc. From what I always understood about [H] is that we strive to get the best, myself included are looking for that last 1% of optimizations. 95% of computer users could care less about that. (Take new computer quick start procedures for example: plug the green plug into the green port, attach the power cable etc)

Funny I can't see how people who hate the RIAA and their ilk and can then support Blu-Ray. I don't want the winner to be the most oppressive DRM format, and also from the two worst studios ever.

Meh, copying music to an mp3 player is different to me than HDM. I simply do not have 50G of space on my HD for every movie I want to copy. 20 movies and thats 1TB!! DRM in this format has zero impact on me. I load the damn disk into the player and watch it through HDMI like it is intended to do.
Wasn't the BR camp whining and crying that paying Universal to go HD wasn't fair? Then they go and pay Warner $500 million? Granted im sure the HD DVD camp will get a good chunk of that for breech of contract.
I simply do not understand people supporting HD DVD at this site? This is a site that people spend 1k+ on video cards that go out of date within 2 years. Yet you all will argue $99 HD vs $299 for blu. Yet those HD players are only 1080i vs 1080p for Blu. Please find me a HD DVD player that has 1080p support that isnt close to blu ray player prices?

There is no difference in picture quality between a 1080i player and a 1080p player.

"HD DVD and Blu-ray content is 1080p/24. If your player outputs a 60-Hz signal (that is, one that your TV can display), the player is adding (creating) the 3:2 sequence. So, whether you output 1080i or 1080p, it is still inherently the same information. The only difference is in whether the player interlaces it and your TV deinterlaces it, or if the player just sends out the 1080p signal directly. If the TV correctly deinterlaces 1080i, then there should be no visible difference between deinterlaced 1080i and direct 1080p (even with that extra step). There is no new information—nor is there more resolution, as some people think. This is because, as you can see in Figure 1, there is no new information with the progressive signal. It's all based on the same original 24 frames per second."

Cue the funeral music for HD-DVD.
Glad i didnt buy an XboX360, Looks like we are getting a PS3 come tax time.;)

if youre so concern about which gaming system supporting which format. Why dont you just buy the player itself. I say this because I believe game work differently and its all about which exclusive game supporting which system and clearly we all know who won, for now.
Even though I own a HD-DVD player, that I love, I will buy a Blu-Ray player when it reaches final spec (if ever) and <150$. Many have asked why Hardocp members would be against better hardware, regardless of cost. You have to keep in mind that although some of us are considered techies, price is also a big factor.
I'm not a brand loyalist and a purchase decision is based on cost vs performance. I'm sure if HD-DVD dubuted at 50GB disks, we would still have brand loyalty on either side. Some people have no problem paying 300% more in cost for that <10% difference in the real world. Others do.
For example some of these people, myself included, we buy 3870s and 8800gt's, instead of the 8800GTX ultras. Is the hardware better on the 8800GTX's, yes. Is it worth the price difference, not for me. Should we just kill all products that is < 8800GTXs? Hell no, but essentially that is what Sony would do to the Hi-Fi DVD consumer base.
I'm confused on why certain people are celebrating. Do you think Sony will reduce prices and continue BOGO offers? Instead we will see cripled players at >300$ for 08, 09 and movies return to the normal retail prices >20$.
Many have pointed out that HD-DVD never beat one sales week, but on that same token HD-DVD (outside of the rebates that Sony also offered) had very few disk promotions where as some retailer or another had a Blu-ray BOGO going on. Maybe it was the better decision as Sony was able to keep the players up high, and if they won simply returned the disks to the normal price.
Ultimatley the only one to blame is HD-DVD camp. They had wonderful oppurtunities but never took advantage of them. Marketting and Money was key, both of which the HD-DVD camp thought was not necessary or unwilling to spend.
In some way this format had to end. Just dissapointed that the one of my biggest factors is cost, and the team that is leading now (sony) had a history of never leading in price (actually the opposite).
"There are those who said this day would never come. What are they to say now?"

-Prophet of Truth