Warm ? Radeon 4890 $70 shipped.

Awesome video card!!! That is actually better than warm in my opinion. These puppies will still keep up with current generation cards. Draw back being no DX11.
I still have a 4870 in my wife's box and simply see no end to it's useful life anytime soon.

After a year of DX 11, I find most of the effects visually annoying. I could see trying a crossfired 4890 setup for $140.
I still have a 4870 in my wife's box and simply see no end to it's useful life anytime soon.

After a year of DX 11, I find most of the effects visually annoying. I could see trying a crossfired 4890 setup for $140.

I have crossfired 4870 in one of my rigs and they still kick ass at the resolution that they are working under. Yup, $140 for crossfired 4970s is great.
Can you run these in triple crossfire? My board supports it. I could use an upgrade.
I had the XoC version of this card for about 2 years, swapped it out in September for the 6870 xfx deal where I scored DeusEx/Samurai2/Dirt3 codes.

The 4890 XoC had much more fan noise at system power up. Nice card though. But this 6870 is much quieter at startup and during run time (playing a lot of BF3 and Skyrim with it) but I also have a Klipsch 4.1 surrount sound setup so I do not notice fan noise all that much. :cool:
For 1080p resolutions a single 4890 still works very well and in CF 2 of them run even most newer games mostly maxed out. If you have a higher resolution monitor like I recently got then you'll start to feel limited in most games with them.
how loud are the fans on these?


Will need aftermarket coolers unless U wear headphones but you can't beat the 5 year warranty from Diamond (unless you install aftermarket coolers)
Could 2 of these run 3840x1200 res for a couple months until the 7000 series is out and reviewed? I am not a hardcore gamers just need 2 monitors to be productive.
How would this be for BF3? I found a review and it only was at 25 to 40 FPS at 1920 x 1200. But someone posted that had to be incorrect because they had same card and was getting higher than that and was using higher settings than in the review. I want something better than my 8800 GTS 512.. I game a 1920 x 1080 with a stock 955BE and 4gb RAM.

Will need aftermarket coolers unless U wear headphones but you can't beat the 5 year warranty from Diamond (unless you install aftermarket coolers)

I guess Ill pass. This PC im building is for a church(donation) and I dont think theyll want something loud
I bought one of these. I was looking to improve performance in Battlefield 3, and for $70 I am not disappointed. I went from all Low settings with my 8800 GTS 512 to all High with this 4890 except for Terrain Detail. That was set to Low but I bumped it up to Medium and it still does fine. Game looks a lot better now. I can live with mostly High settings. I was going to get a 6950 or 6970 just for this game, but it looks like now I might can make it through another generation of cards before buying something else.
building a new desktop and bought one of these to use until new gen comes out.
Anybody know of a good, reasonably-priced aftermarket cooler for this card?

I'm running these on my 2X 4890s, they were super cheap, back when Newegg had them in stock:

I wish I hadn't missed out on this deal. Running triple Xfire would rock!
I bit on this deal to replace my Uncle's 8800GT that he managed to melt the other week. Quite a steal at $70.

I'm running a 4870X2 2gig (see sig). I'm wondering if adding this card will give me a boost?

If you do add the 4890 to your motherboard it will run at 8x 8x I believe instead of 16x. I don't know if that will make much of a difference but just pointing it out.

EDIT: Nvr mind I see the deal is dead.
Darn, I wish I had seen this. I've been considering grabbing a 2nd one for crossfire to hold me until the 6xx or 7xxx cards are out and available. $70 is around what the used ones with shipping go for on ebay.
I bit on this deal to replace my Uncle's 8800GT that he managed to melt the other week. Quite a steal at $70.

Yeah, that is the same upgrade that I made. My 8800GT wasn't cutting it in Arkham Asylum. What a difference the 4890 made.

If you do add the 4890 to your motherboard it will run at 8x 8x I believe instead of 16x. I don't know if that will make much of a difference but just pointing it out.

EDIT: Nvr mind I see the deal is dead.

It will make little to no difference. At worst you lose a couple percentage points of performance.