Warm? 9700pro refurb $135 newegg

Good deal either way your looking at it. I was looking for one of these for a backup computer. Thanks!
6600 is good, from the benchmarks it looks like it's just slightly better than a 9800.

Actually depends on the synthetic benchmark that you use, 6600 looks like it performed better in 3DMark and the 9800 better in AquaMark. This most likely would come down to your prefrence of ATI vs. Nvidia.
iLL1 said:
6600 is good, from the benchmarks it looks like it's just slightly better than a 9800.

Actually depends on the synthetic benchmark that you use, 6600 looks like it performed better in 3DMark and the 9800 better in AquaMark. This most likely would come down to your prefrence of ATI vs. Nvidia.

Thanks for dumbing it down somewhat for this noob :p That's all I needed to know. :)
How does the 9700 Pro compare to the 9600XT AIW which I picked up for $125 @ CompUSSR over Black Friday?
The 9700 is better than the 9600XT however it doesn't have the DX9 features that the 9600XT has. Performance wise alone the 9700 is stronger.
iLL1 said:
The 9700 is better than the 9600XT however it doesn't have the DX9 features that the 9600XT has. Performance wise alone the 9700 is stronger.

Explain what you mean by this? The Radeon 9700 is fully DirectX 9.0 compliant. In fact, the 9600XT is a heavily redesigned 9700, but has different core/memory clockspeeds, 4 pixel pipelines instead of 8, and a 128-bit memory interface instead of a 256-bit one. As far as DirectX compliance, they are the same.

LoneWolf said:
Explain what you mean by this? The Radeon 9700 is fully DirectX 9.0 compliant. In fact, the 9600XT is based off the 9700 design, but has different core/memory clockspeeds, and a 128-bit memory interface instead of a 256-bit one. Those are the only differences I know.

I thought 9500 was based off 9700 (and thus why people could softmod their 9500 to 9700)

and 9600 was based off 9800(with the limitations you listed)?
ScubaSteve said:
I thought 9500 was based off 9700 (and thus why people could softmod their 9500 to 9700)

and 9600 was based off 9800(with the limitations you listed)?
We have a winner!. ;)
ScubaSteve said:
I thought 9500 was based off 9700 (and thus why people could softmod their 9500 to 9700)

and 9600 was based off 9800(with the limitations you listed)?

The Radeon 9xxx cards are all loosely designed off the R300 core in terms of what standards they support. I should have been more detailed however. The 9500 is a direct descendant of the 9700 and in that you are correct; very little modifications were made. The 9600 has the following modifications to be specific, and is a new design, but supporting a similar direct architecture.

Low voltage (requires no external power). The 9700/9500 family was on a .15 micron die I believe, the 9600 is .13 micron low k dielectric.
4 pixel pipelines (as opposed to the 8 of the R9500/9700/9800)
128-bit memory interface like the 9500 (97xx/98xx have a 256-bit interface with the exception of the 9800SE)
Different cards all have different core/memory clocks --the 9600XT has a higher core/memory clock than the 9700 for example, but is still a lower performance card due to its other limitations.

My main point was that the 9600XT had no additional DirectX support over the 9700 cards.
LoneWolf said:
My main point was that the 9600XT had no additional DirectX support over the 9700 cards.

I will agree on that. Infact isn't that how Ati's numbering system works? The 9xxx cards are all Dx9 compatible, just like the 8xxx cards were Dx8 compatible?
For the money i'd much rather buy the 9800pro and chance getting a card with an R360 (9800XT) chip on it. Besides that the 98pro has a 256 bit memory bus instead of the paltry 128 of the Nvidia 66...


Edit: 9800pros have a 256 bus unless you get some of that weird limited batch that was made by Sapphire, that only have a 128 bus. Look on their website to find out what they ended up designating that card, be it 'ez' or 'atlantis pro' or 'se' etc.
Outlaw said:
hey, that's even better! it's a shame they don't have an AGP version of the 6600 yet though.

What rock have you been living under? At the least newegg, Buy.com, etc has the XFX AGP version of the 6600GT.
to: buncho peeps
Thanks for bring me up to speed on the differences between the 9700Pro and 9600XT.
Ryland said:
What rock have you been living under? At the least newegg, Buy.com, etc has the XFX AGP version of the 6600GT.

Theres no need to be hostile.

Anyway his statement is still true; they don't make an AGP version of the 6600 yet. You are correct, they make a 6600GT, but its price is substiantially more than the $135 for that 6600 PCI-E.
ScubaSteve said:
I will agree on that. Infact isn't that how Ati's numbering system works? The 9xxx cards are all Dx9 compatible, just like the 8xxx cards were Dx8 compatible?

Actually compatible they are, yes however from my knowledge there are some things (features) that the 9600XT can take advantage of in DX9 that the 9700Pro cannot. Just something I recall from a while ago. If I find any docs on this I'll let you know.
ScubaSteve said:
I will agree on that. Infact isn't that how Ati's numbering system works? The 9xxx cards are all Dx9 compatible, just like the 8xxx cards were Dx8 compatible?

For the most part that's true, but isn't the 9000/9100/9200 based on the 8500 core? And therefore only have DX8 compliance.
^^ yes you're right. And LoneWolf has been spot on, never wrong, only once misunderstood. 9800's have an F-Buffer for long shaders as the primary difference over 9700's, not a big deal, and not any more DX features. So saying which the 9600 is based on is a six of one half a dozen of the other scenario. R300 is the grandfather of all of them.

The 9000 and the 9200 were the cut down R200's (raddy 8500). The 9100 is the 8500 re-released and is actually better than the 9200 (Which is just a 9000 with 8x-AGP).
Ryland said:
What rock have you been living under? At the least newegg, Buy.com, etc has the XFX AGP version of the 6600GT.

well, I was refering to the refurb section. I guess that I made the silly mistake of thinking that you'd assume my statement was pertaining to the subject of this thread: newegg's refurb section.

anyway, in response to your question I've been in and out of a few rocks, Stonehenge was nice but it got a wee bit chilly so now I'm out looking for a new rock. Any suggestions? perhaps one of those that are between your ears?
i got a steal on a 9800 pro on newegg refurbed.

had to piss and moan to get my $23 restocking fee waived for an artifact ridden DOA POS.

refurbs on video cards is a roll of the dice :eek: