*Warm* 2gb Patriot DDR2 PC5300 $181

Yep, I snatched these up as soon as I got my auto-notify. We'll see what it does with the 65w 3800X2 I bought.
Pretty hot, considering what RAM is going for these days. Also, check out ZZF's sold out RAM, and auto-notify it. They have some cheap, but good stuff there.
MassiveOverkill said:
Yep, I snatched these up as soon as I got my auto-notify. We'll see what it does with the 65w 3800X2 I bought.

I didn't even bother with the auto-notify, since it said it was going to get in on 10/2/06 and I couldn't wait that long. I just happened to be looking one last time for the model number and some decent prices before I got the quirky OCZ ram. I got lucky and noticed a google search result saying "price adjustment" and clicked on it and just about fell out of my chair.
I just picked these up. If the reviews are to be believed, this is a steal. I was about to buy some DDR2 800 for about $260.
ElPhluke said:
I just picked these up. If the reviews are to be believed, this is a steal. I was about to buy some DDR2 800 for about $260.

Shit I was about to order some ddr2 667 for like 220 something. Hell I wish it was corsair but I'll take it at this price.
If you guys check on the overclock database for C2D, you'll see several of the Patriot PC5300 kits hitting 900.

Whoa, its either Out of Stock from rapid sales, or they opened it on accident when adjusting the price. I guess I will see in the morning.
Whoah! It just went to $270 AR.

Glad I scored mine two days ago. But I'll be even gladder when it gets here in the mail.
WHOA, was just 181 two days ago, then when I posted that it was 169.99, and now its $100 more expensive. Shows how much they're making off of each kit eh? Must have been a pricing error today.
Dethred said:
If you guys check on the overclock database for C2D, you'll see several of the Patriot PC5300 kits hitting 900.

Whoa, its either Out of Stock from rapid sales, or they opened it on accident when adjusting the price. I guess I will see in the morning.

or 1000mhz?
My memory is on a truck now comming to my house. To the OP. Thanks for this. Saved me some cash.
menlatin said:
or 1000mhz?

:eek: :eek:

Holy crap, how long is that stable for?

And to above poster, no problem (figured I should share the knowledge), mine will be here in an hour or two, I'll let you know how they do soon.
Dethred said:
:eek: :eek:

Holy crap, how long is that stable for?...

I didn't do much more testing after that. Also that was about a month ago, just before i killed my e6400. Hopefully will be getting an e6600 this week. I'll do some benches and such if i can remember to.
I've had my Patriot PC2 5400 for 10 days and it overclocks like a bitch: 972 (486 FSB 1:1 timing) 24/7.

I've relaxed my timings a bit at 1:1 divider (5, 6, 6 18) but there ain't no slowing down these friggin Allendale/Conroes.

It gets a might hot at 2.2 VDIMM, so I have a special spinning friend watching over these beautes.
Mine arrived last night, but I won't have time to install them for another week or two when I do my build.

So I'll just look at them for now.

They're preeeeetty.