Warcraft Movie vs WoW The Game

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
I think the guys that made this trailer did a spot-on job recreating the movie trailer. Don't you? How good the actual movie will be is a whole different subject. I'm not holding my breath on that one.
Hopefully the movie is better than the game. WoW has went down hill.
it went downhill enough that blizzard decided maybe a movie would bring back players? hopefully not -- if they were going for nostalgia they probably shouldn't have shut down that vanilla server and then followed up by saying they'll never make an official one. i might see the movie for shits and giggles but nothing could ever make me go back to the actual game this far down the road
I stopped playing at the end of MoP. Went back a couple months after the final MoP content patch. I woulda stayed but I couldn't remember my healbot positions for my resto shammy. Didn't feel right, and I couldn't get it back, so basically a waste of the scroll.
I am considering going back, but there is DooM I still need to pick up, and I'm having a ton of fun playing D3 season 6 with my 56 Y/O dad, 8 Y/O nephew, and wife's cousin, who is around my age (30).I'm working on getting the wife to play, but she's generally an old school RTS player, old Civ and AoE. No time for WoW, especially with impending promotion.
That all being irrelevant, I'm super excited for the Warcraft movie. Even if it isn't a blockbuster, it's still gonna stay true to WC, have a great and proven story, and look fucking amazing.
Meh, I still play the game despite its problems and the movie looks like a rental at best.
The trailer was really well made. I used to be a hardcore WoW player but imho, raiding felt too much like another job. The lore is amazing but I don't know if I will watch the movie.
The movie trailer just highlights how crappy the game graphics are.

Note to Blizzard: isn't not 2004 anymore, it's time for a new graphics engine. If Ubisoft can make a realistic looking open world like Farcry, you can too. Sure it will be expensive, but you already have a steady stream of income, so it's not like you have to wait for the game to start selling in stores before you can recoup expenses.
Haven't played in a long time myself, used to have several characters and a Warlock just shy of marshal in PVP when that was a big thing and the cap was like 80 or 85, I forget.

Just trying to level up get in a good PVP group to get into the marshal ranks was a lot of daily work at the time, I became burnt out.

I think Commander was right below that, had gotten that far at the time.
The movie trailer just highlights how crappy the game graphics are.

Note to Blizzard: isn't not 2004 anymore, it's time for a new graphics engine. If Ubisoft can make a realistic looking open world like Farcry, you can too. Sure it will be expensive, but you already have a steady stream of income, so it's not like you have to wait for the game to start selling in stores before you can recoup expenses.

Problem with that is most of their customer base plays the game on potato PCs.
I still though Illegal Danish was funny as hell back when I used to play :p

WoW was awesome, back before they started catering to casuals with every change they made. Anything to increase their subscriber numbers. But when they lost their high-end players to boredom (also to SO long between expansions), those same casuals stopped having people in awesome gear running around to aspire to become, and they stopped playing as well.

They've been planning a movie for a long time though, way before they even peaked their subscriber numbers. They just left it on the backburner for way too long. Now they're barely getting the movie made before WoW stops being a thing. I'll definitely go see it opening night. The Warcraft lore is fantastic.
I got back into it very for a few months with the last expansion after an seven year break. Exploring is decently fun and the lore is top notch. The problem is that the sense of community just doesn't exist anymore. I used to know a good cross section of the people I played with and against and that just doesn't happen anymore.

It had a good run but it lost its edge.