Wanting To Trade Non-Ladder To Ladder items In Diablo 2


Limp Gawd
Oct 24, 2003
Im looking for someone i can trade my items from non-ladder for items in ladder. For example, all my good items are in non-ladder and im looking for someone with good items in ladder that they could give to my characters in ladder. Here is that i am selling

-6x Soj
-Atlantean Sword
-blade of Ali baba (2 free sockets)
-Threads of Cthon
-+1 Combat Skills grand Charm (Paladin)
-+3 Combat Skills Amulet (paladin)
-+1 barbarian skills amulet (cold/lightning/fire resit 5% and poison resist 45%)
-+1 Elemental Skills grand Charm (Druid)
-+3 poison and bone skills amulet (+ life based on lvl) (necro)
-Bloodtree Stump Maul
-Gladiators bane armour (1442 def)
-+2 Amazon skills amulet
-string of ears
-Necro Wand (+2 skills, +3 iron gollum, +1 decrptify, +1 attract. fire resist = 31%, poison resist = 33%)
-lycanders aim (1 free socket)
-griswold armour (with 3 ptopaz)

thats it. contact me at mzawada@telus*NOSPAM*planet.com (remove *NOSPAM*)

--Uswest, SoftCore.--