Want to move my servers from XP to a linux distro


Jul 15, 2002
hey guys.

Hopefully you guys can help me with something I've wanted to do for awhile, I want to change my server computer from XP to a linux distro.

I've played with redhat in the past (is it fedora now?) so I'm somewhat familiar with it...the computer is a P4 1.6 with 256MB ram.

Servers I currently run include apache (with php installed)m and mdaemon mail server.

I need to basically move my apache stuff over to the new linux distro, which I think I can do by myself...but the big problem comes in when I have to configure the mail server.

I don't mind re-creating accounts, as only a few of us use the server. Mail has already been backed up.

So my questions are:

1. Which distro should I use?
2. What should I use as a mail server? (I need IMAP access, and webmail access)
3. Any how-to guides that can basically walk me through everything step by step?

Also - if my server loses power, and reboots itself, everything restarts because I have it set as a windows service. Can I do basically the same thing with linux?
1) Most will work. If you're used to RH, Fedora Core is the desktop-ish continuation, while White Box Linux looks to be a server-ish variant.
(FreeBSD will work fine, of course. ;) )
2) Haven't set up any myself, so I can't really recommend one. As for webmail, there's an interesting thread on it here.
3) Humm. Depends on ther distro and programs.

There's things like this. Slightly hairy, but it should be doable.
Setting up apache and PHP on FreeBSD isn't hard [1], and I assume it will be reasonably easy in most linux distros as well.

[1] In my case, I'd do "portinstall apache2 ; portinstall php4", change a few lines in /usr/local/etc/apache2/httpd.conf , rename /usr/local/etc/rc.d/apache2.sh.sample to apache2.sh , and add "apache2_enable="YES" in /etc/rc.conf.
Debian IMO. If you go command line only, you'll get pretty good performance.

I just set up another Debian system yesterday for a web development environment. Took me all of 30 minutes.

You can install pretty much install anything from apt. And, most of the time, it will be configured correctly from the get go.

You could use Gentoo, but compile times can get anoying. Though, you can use pre-compiled binaries.
I just got postfix + cyrus working, and there's a few niggles that's not in that guide. If you decide to use FreeBSD, I can repeat it and try to write down the extra things it required. (A few permissions and settings, mainly.)
I'm struggling with the mail server.

trying to use postfix, just running into problems.

Are there any fedora 4 +postfix step by steppers?

I've googled for hours on end, and basically got nowhere.

The webserver works and is configured correctly, so I'm happy about that.