Want to Beta Test Microsoft Flight?


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
For all of you Microsoft Flight junkies, a fix is in the works for you. You can get in on the Beta testing of an old favorite if you hurry. Microsoft is taking applications for Beta testers for its new flight simulator.
Yes, definitely yes!

I've been a big fan of the Flight Simulator series for years. I've been looking forward to another one after FSX.
playing the flight sim games changed so much once i actually started working towards my pilots license... i'm definitely signing up
I love how they don't even bother calling it "...simulator" any more.

It always did an okay job with the cockpit instrumentation, but the physics engine was...wonky...to say the least.

I understand this one is going to be considerably more simplified to try to appeal to a larger audience. So...who knows.

Sure does look purdy, though.
I love how they don't even bother calling it "...simulator" any more.

It always did an okay job with the cockpit instrumentation, but the physics engine was...wonky...to say the least.

I understand this one is going to be considerably more simplified to try to appeal to a larger audience. So...who knows.

Sure does look purdy, though.

Yup, physics engine was wonky at best. Ever seen a helicopter bounce off water as if the surface of the water was jello? Only in FSX did I see that happen. Lol.
Yup, physics engine was wonky at best. Ever seen a helicopter bounce off water as if the surface of the water was jello? Only in FSX did I see that happen. Lol.

You need to set your reality settings different. While it won't destroy it properly, it will stop the simulation when you crash instead of bouncing. You can make it very "gamey" or more of a simulation depending on your tastes.

I've got it set up as a flight simulator, not a game.

I'm curious as to how the new Flight compares. Is it going to be customizable to cater to both the simulation nuts and the gamers, or is it going to be mainly one or the other.... Who knows.
Screw this. Give me something like IL-2 Sturmovik, with all the planes usable, plus playable tanks or vehicles or ships and also at least Source-level graphics. Wouldn' t that be fun? 256 players in one map.
We’ve found the game runs well on low graphics settings with hardware meeting the following specifications:

CPU: Dual Core 2.0 GHz
GPU: 256 MB card capable of shader 3.0 (DX 9.0c compliant)
HD: 10 GB Hard Drive space
RAM: 2.0GB

FFS Microsoft, don't even bother supporting that fossil.
Screw this. Give me something like IL-2 Sturmovik, with all the planes usable, plus playable tanks or vehicles or ships and also at least Source-level graphics. Wouldn' t that be fun? 256 players in one map.

Have you tried

DCS: A-10C Warthog



Video of startup (in SIM mode)
Signed up the beta on the first day! Wonder what are the chances of getting accepted. I started out with flight simulator 2000 and all the newer versions. Still play flight simulator x at least 5 hours a week.
Microsoft Flight is a dumbed down version of Microsoft Flightsim so no thanks.