Want a cheap small lcd? Look at this!

I picked one up a while back, works been killing me so I havn't had time to mod it into my case thou :(
wow, I remember that article from last year, infact I'm pretty sure it was posted on the hardocp page.
The guy mentions it runs of 7.5v DC is there any way you could use the 7v trick to make it run off your PSU?
Actailly I would probably just build a Small PSU for it. It's not difficult to do, It's not that hard creating a suitable Square wave then smoothing it out....

It probably going a little too far but I Just don't like messing around with the PSU's Negative Lines....
This has been in the HardOCP forums before, there is a lot of info that you can find on it. Starfox's info seems to be the best, and is the most copied.

The guy mentions it runs of 7.5v DC is there any way you could use the 7v trick to make it run off your PSU?
The 7v provided by the 7v trick would not be stable enough for the LCD.

Actailly I would probably just build a Small PSU for it.
You don't even have to go through that much effort: Check it Just get a car adapter for the LCD, cut off the cigarette plug, and wire on a molex connector. Bingo, 12v DC to 7.5v DC plugged into your psu.

I've been tempted to get one for my next mod project, you can find them on eBay for pretty cheap. Right now college is sucking my time and money, so it'll probably be a summer job.