Wait for Nvidia's Fergie or go with 5800 series?

What are you going to do?

  • I'm waiting for Fergie.

    Votes: 154 23.8%
  • I'm buying 5800 series card, or plan to.

    Votes: 247 38.2%
  • Waiting for prices to come down.

    Votes: 145 22.4%
  • Who Cares, pick your own.

    Votes: 100 15.5%

  • Total voters
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I couldn't wait & bought an XFX HD 5850.

I haven't gamed on it yet, but I was pretty shocked at how HEAVY it was. :eek:
The box felt like it had a brick in it, and the weight turned out to be all card. The 9800GT OC it replaced was roughly the same size, but probably weighed 1/3 what the 5850 weighs.
Voted waiting for Fermi. Why? because I like to think out my purchases not just go around putting down money and 3 months later going ''Well damm should of waited, not only did prices go down, Nvidia/Ati has a better card for my price range that I am willing to spend''. My 9800GTX has been serving me very well and looks like it will continue to do so for me to scope out his replacement.

I am very impressed by Ati's head start but that does not mean I am gonna turn into a 9 year old kid that says he has the best toy. I have high hopes for nvidia that they will introduce worthy competition for Atis current cards. Either way in the end it benefits me very well. That being said I really don't understand why people just take every rumor or unofficial reports of Fermis performance like a slap to the face and quickly turn it down and call it bs. To me I dont take them in and just use it as reference on how it might perform or what to possibly look for. If its untrue, Great my first Ati purchase. If its true, Great never had problems with Nvidia's cards and I continue to buy from one of my top rated companys for their product.

I seriously Do not remember the forums being this childish with previous generation cards being released.

Now you can go ahead and post the ''Cool story bro'' and picture to go with it. ;)

9800GTX? 7800GTX 256 with an i7 here... lol
I was >< this close to buying 2 5970's,canceled them to wait on the 5870 6 port edition
now nVidia has me listening to how they'll offer up their multi monitor deal( connection required,resolutions allowed,configurations etc)
guess this is the effect(nvidia) wanted on customers on the fence?
now they just have to produce some bacon to go along with all that sizzle(talk/hype)
I couldn't wait, took a ride to microcenter, upgraded my gtx260 SLI (was tri-sli but afr3 quirks led to me dropping a card) to 5870 Crossfire.

It's a good setup, nice compliment to my I7, and it's a lot more pleasant to game on at 2560x1600. If fermi offers a compelling reason to upgrade, I'll likely buy two of those also, but even with the completely ridiculous 2d clock issues(nice driver work there ati, nice) I've had, I haven't regretted my 5870 purchase from a gaming performance standpoint, they destroy my dual 260s in every concievable way.
Replaced my XFX 4890 -- and just picked up an XFX 5870 from Fry's (despite it not being listed on the website / employees telling me not carried, etc) So far, very impressed with the idle temp and sound.
This thread still has potential for good discussion...lets see if we can bring it back on track..:)

I couldn't wait & bought an XFX HD 5850.

I haven't gamed on it yet, but I was pretty shocked at how HEAVY it was. :eek:
The box felt like it had a brick in it, and the weight turned out to be all card. The 9800GT OC it replaced was roughly the same size, but probably weighed 1/3 what the 5850 weighs.

Copper and heatpipes baby! Quality reference cooling for you. :) But yeah, the card takes up about one quarter of the volume of my case and probably contributes to a third of the entire system's weight.

NVIDIA will probably not be an option for me in the near future because I intend to stay in mini-ITXish/Shuttle form factors. Their cards are just too power hungry and hot and I like AMD's performance-per-watt philosophy. I doubt I'll be able to replace my 5850 with something from NVIDIA that performs appreciably better and consumes the same or less power (that I can throw on my 300W without worries), but I guess we'll see.

Until then, the 5850 it is. Maybe an upgrade to a 5870/5890 if prices ease up..
Copper and heatpipes baby! Quality reference cooling for you. :) But yeah, the card takes up about one quarter of the volume of my case and probably contributes to a third of the entire system's weight.

NVIDIA will probably not be an option for me in the near future because I intend to stay in mini-ITXish/Shuttle form factors. Their cards are just too power hungry and hot and I like AMD's performance-per-watt philosophy. I doubt I'll be able to replace my 5850 with something from NVIDIA that performs appreciably better and consumes the same or less power (that I can throw on my 300W without worries), but I guess we'll see.

Until then, the 5850 it is. Maybe an upgrade to a 5870/5890 if prices ease up..

Must say, after gaming with the 5870 for quite some time, I can't see myself going to the other side unless the performance is that much better. The 5870 to me is just a rock solid card. Stock cooling is just the best I've seen for a reference design.
you said you game at 1366x768?

i don't think you're seeing any benefit at all in you having a 5870, sorry friend
you said you game at 1366x768?

i don't think you're seeing any benefit at all in you having a 5870, sorry friend

Sure I am. Trust me, I can still stress the card at 1360x768 resolution with very high IQ levels. Furmark at lower resolutions can still stress the gpu at 100%. I'm talking 16xAF, 8xaa supersample aa, etc. and get to enjoy it usually at a constant 60fps for ultra smooth game play.... Now at 1920x1200..though the 5870 will usually handle it nicely, the fps won't be as smooth and will sometimes choke at such high iq levels at least.
I was >< this close to buying 2 5970's,canceled them to wait on the 5870 6 port edition
now nVidia has me listening to how they'll offer up their multi monitor deal( connection required,resolutions allowed,configurations etc)
guess this is the effect(nvidia) wanted on customers on the fence?
now they just have to produce some bacon to go along with all that sizzle(talk/hype)

I do not doubt nvidia's performance will be better than ATI's in regards to Fermi it's just a question of how much better it's going to be. I would hope it is that much better as that will lower ATI's prices considerably.
Sure I am. Trust me, I can still stress the card at 1360x768 resolution with very high IQ levels. Furmark at lower resolutions can still stress the gpu at 100%. I'm talking 16xAF, 8xaa supersample aa, etc. and get to enjoy it usually at a constant 60fps for ultra smooth game play.... Now at 1920x1200..though the 5870 will usually handle it nicely, the fps won't be as smooth and will sometimes choke at such high iq levels at least.

That's awesome. Let us know when you beat furmark and don't forget to quicksave often.
He's a troll, don't believe a word he says. Its amazing that he hasn't been banned yet. Simply amazing. He first had a 5850, then a GTX295, and now a 5870.
and the whole time, his signature still hasn't changed!!! Long live Intel Integrated Graphics!
I don't think it's a good idea to buy anything till around June.
The hype rarely matches the reality and I just know the minute
I bought something now it'd be outclassed and priced better by
the revision 1.5 model. I like to wait till the dust settles and the
mfg's have time to tweak.
There will always be something faster/more features coming. If you must have the bleeding edge releases, you will constantly upgrade.
If you don't upgrade often, then yes it sucks buying something only to find out "next week" twice the performance at the same price is releasing.

That's the nature of computers. If you need it now, buy now. If you're content with your current performance, wait. Let other people beta test while you get lower prices/mature hardware/drivers/support.
^^Agreed. 5800 series have been out for like 5 months maybe?, so I think most have been able to enjoy the new tech for a while at least.
Exactly. People bought them and their value actually increased due to nothing from nVidia and suppy issues.

They still will be performers once nVidia releases. If you need a card now, buy AMD. If you don't, wait and buy whatever fits your needs. :)
I do not doubt nvidia's performance will be better than ATI's in regards to Fermi it's just a question of how much better it's going to be. I would hope it is that much better as that will lower ATI's prices considerably.

If it is true what Nvidia is saying (36% better than HD5870), then i guess the pricing will be :
- HD5870 will stay at $399/319€
- GTX360 will be $499/424€
- GTX380 will be $599/509€

Would be so typical from NVIDIA :D
If thats the case for pricing, then 5850 would be my next purchase. I really think prices would be around there to be honest at launch maybe a bit lower. Still If the cards are worth it I am not gonna turn down a good deal. ;)

He's a troll, don't believe a word he says. Its amazing that he hasn't been banned yet. Simply amazing. He first had a 5850, then a GTX295, and now a 5870.

Alright I think I really need to say something about the PS3 hatetrain. I don't understand why people just seem to throw the troll flag on every post he makes. Nothing to me when I see him post seems trollish. Yes he makes alot of threads to start conversations yes his decisions are kinda whacky but why call him out on it? Back in the day I bought a 9800GX2 for no reason to see how it performs and got rid of it and got a 8600gt and no one said a word. Its his money and if hes experimenting on choosing the right card let him be. Sometimes I think the people always replying with ''troll its ps3, troll troll troll'' are the ones who need the banhammer.
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I read somewhere, nVidia was claiming GTX295 price for the GTX380. Which would put it around $550.
I'll be sitting this one out and continue using my older quad-GPU setup. My setup already performs very well compared to the new ATI cards, and hopefully that will be true with Fermi as well.

Also, this isn't meant as a knock on the tech, but to me Fermi sounds like the name of a 70 year old turkish prostitute or something. Worst name since Duron IMO, which sounded like the name of a washing machine.
This thread is taking up too much of my time.

Thanks to those who tried to have an adult discussion, sadly you were outnumbered
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