Wait 4-6 weeks for 5850 Xtreme or cancel and get a 6870?


Apr 29, 2007
I'm finally getting around to replacing the old, but venerable 4870 in my i5 system.

I've had an order in with Amazon for about 5 weeks now for the Sapphire 5850 Xtreme at $150 shipped. I just got an e-mail today that the expected ship date is late July - early August. I hear that new 5850 cards are increasingly harder to find.

As a Plan-B, I've been considering the Gigabyte 6870 model with the 3 fans http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125357 which is $185 shipped after MIR.

Would you wait for the 5850 or cancel and go for the 6870?
6870 is hands down worth the extra 35 dollars. better performance stock and even better performance when overclocked. not to mention if you ever decided to run crossfire the 6870 doesn't have the performance loss that the 5850/70 have.
Echoing the HD6870 recommendation. At this moment prices of AMD cards (specially HD5K series) are inflated due to extreme demand caused by bitcoin mining.
I would go for 6870 unless you are trying to mine bitcoins or something...

Well, I don't intend to do any bitcoin mining. I'm not really even sure what that is - :D

Is there a comparable N-vidia card that has similar power consumption?
I love my 6870 I would be waaaaay tired of waiting personaly and would cancel that order and grab the 6870.
Thanks guys.

I went scatched the 5850 order and bought the Gigabyte 6870 from Newegg. That should be a nice leap up from my 4870.
good call, the 5850Xtreme's went fast, I bought one myself for 119 on newegg when they appeared, sold it for 190 to a bitcoin guy
Sorry i am late but shoot for something with more then 1Gb on ram as it will play off..