Wacom + Dual Screens


Oct 16, 2004
Has anyone tried to use dual screen or widescreen with a wacom pad? The reason I'm asking is because I have a dual monitor setup and an intuos 2, and the problem is that the aspect ratios aren't matching up and it makes the cursor movement feel funny. Let me explain:

The graphire pad is of course, a 4x3 aspect ratio, (I'm almost certain that it's a 8"x6" pad)well, the monitor, because it's dual, is like 8x3 (two 4x3's) and the horizontal movement is not lining up because the tablet utilizes both the screens. Anyone who's ever used a wacom pad probably knows that the edges of the monitor correspond with the edges of the 'writable areas' of the pad.

The question is, does anyone know of a way to force the tablet to use only one screen, or at least just one at a time? Is the strange sensation of mismatched aspect ratios something I can get used to? How are the people with widescreens handling the difference, which I imagine is somewhat similar to what I'm experiencing but to less of an extreme since 16x10 and 16x9 is closer to 4x3 than 8x3.

Thanks ahead of time!

I have dual screen setup and have my wacom (intous3) to use only one screen.
Go to your control panel>Wacom table properties and then go to mapping. There you can select where on your screen you want the table to actually effect and it will ignore the rest of the display

answer = obvious? yes

me = extremely grateful? Yes!

Thanks a lot. I really appreciate you taking the time to answer the question.
Yeah, it took my friend looking at the options for me to finally get the same thing done. :D