VX2025wm glare coating question


Apr 10, 2006
Some love this monitor, others hate the dirty looking anti-glare coating.

My question is - is the coating mostly visible in a brightly lit room, like when on display at Compusa? It's really noticeable there, but I thought in a fairly dark room does it go away?
I've had this one for about 2 months now. It's something I don't even notice anymore unless I'm actually looking for it. Keep in mind I almost returned it because of this but am I ever glad I kept it.
jddesigned said:
I've had this one for about 2 months now. It's something I don't even notice anymore unless I'm actually looking for it. Keep in mind I almost returned it because of this but am I ever glad I kept it.

Hmm, sounds like the floaters I have in my eyes. :)
i considered returning the monitor for the anti glare when i got it. but like the above poster, i never even notice it anymore. I was actually just thinking about it before i read your post and realized i dont t hink about it ever. i wouldnt worry too much about it. if you're relaly worried then buy it from some place with a 10 day return policy or something
I noticed it at first and it was a problem.

It's gone now since I got used to it. Looks very good. Too bad I have 1 dead pixel smack dab in the middle of the screen. =[
Is it more or less noticeable in a dark room? Or it doesn't matter?
I think the coating is so noticeable because it’s refracting the light from the screen, not from it’s surroundings. So the lighting of the room doesn’t make much difference, if anything it’s worse in the dark.

I’m a graphic artist so the quality of still images are very important to me, but if all you are going to do is play games and watch movies then it might not bother you that much. I should warn you though, the Viewsonic is way too bright for that sort of thing . The Brightness /Contrast controls wash out the picture so you will have to resort to adjusting the gamma on your graphics card, and guess what, this will introduce banding.... so you just can’t win.

I wouldn’t even bother with the VX2025wm it’s not worth the money or the hassle.