VPN Router suggestions


Limp Gawd
Jan 8, 2006
Hey guys,

I'm looking for a VPN router that will allow me to setup a roadwarrior VPN. PPTP or L2TP is fine. I'd probably prefer PPTP as I'm not entirely familiar with setting up an L2TP VPN for the Windows-side. Though I'm open to learn.

I'm currently looking to purchase one from Newegg.
Either that or install pfSense on an older PC. Perhaps OpenVPN?

Whatever I choose, it MUST be as simple as possible for clients to connect to. I will probably be required to write directions on how to setup their VPN connection as well.

Thanks for any suggestions.
Are the clients' user accounts managed by Active Directory?
No. This is a small business with <5 users. Workgroup only. No server OS will be on any computer at this time.
OpenVPN is quite simple, I recommend setting up an Untangle firewall...as the users behind the network also benefit from increased security of the UTM features of Untangle.

For a store bought brand, I'd recommend going with an SSL based one. Browser based, they're wicked easy. Gone are the days of wrestling with problematic IPSec clients. I'm generally not a fan of Netgear appliances..but they did a good job with this SSL VPN appliance...small biz budget friendly
Ah yes - Untangle. I DL the ISO the other week and never got around to trying it out.

I think I'll try that. Thanks for reminding me and the suggestion!

Any other suggestions from anyone?