VPN - Dual Monitors with Windows XP Pro?


Limp Gawd
Dec 19, 2005
Let's say I have the following...

- Belkin Pre-N Router (with the proper ports opened)
- A computer system with dual monitor at home (with a client VPN software)
- A computer system with dual monitor at the office (with a host VPN software)

Now I am able to get the computer system at home to connect to the office one, but it only display as one monitor with the resolution of 1280 x 1024. I'm using Windows XP Professional Edition's Remote Window.

Is there a way to somehow get my home system to view the office's dual monitor format or am I stuck with one (due to limitation of something)?


Thanks in advance!
The RDP client and server software in XP doesn't support multiple monitors.
It takes all windows on the second monitor and puts it on the first for RD
... I was afraid of that. Still though, is there any other protocols/softwares that would support dual monitors by any chance?