voodoo3 2000 drivers dont work for XP?

Jun 11, 2003
i recenly upgraded one of my old systems from win2k to XP. it is an older system, but still had no problem running some older games like diablo2 and counterstrike. since i installed xp it has not been as smooth at all. i got the drivers from http://www.voodoofiles.com/ which i remember used to be somewhat reliable, but seems like its just gone to spam. anyway tried several different variations and nothing seems to work. is this just a case of bad drivers, or is the card probably not going to work with XP? heres my setup

soyo mobo
amd 500mhz
512 mb ram
voodoo3 2000

note the only thing i changed was the os, everything else is the same. the games still run but they tile like hell making it difficult to actually play. any help would be appreciated
Even though XP will run on those specs...I personally would've left 2000-Pro on that system since it is basically XP without nice colors & has lower system spec requirements & your video card was already guaranteed to work in that OS.

I think you might find it easier to go back to Windows 2000 if you insist on keeping the video card also if you want a smoother running experience with those system specs.

2nd. option is replace the video card with anything new that has XP drivers available. But then you need to make sure your motherboard supports current/latest AGP voltage requirements for new cards. Any new card will automatically be backwards compatible with AGP revisions in speed but not always in voltage. Like pre-AGP4x days. Someone can assist you further in that area if you decide to go that route. It will depend on what type of AMD 500MHz board you have...there were cartridge 500MHz Athlons a long time ago & I think they started Socket 462 around 500MHz (not sure). If you require a "glide" based video card...then back to 2000-Pro you need to go or try looking for "glide wrappers" for your new video card in case you decide to purchase a new one.

Good luck either way. I've had no expert experience with the Voodoo3 in XP but I still have my Voodoo2 & I have customized drivers archived for it that DO work in XP in case I ever want to plug it in & reminisce. Hopefully this steers you in the right direction somewhat.

It really just stays stashed in my computer tools box for future riches & glory when it becomes a priceless collectable : )
I've ran a voodoo 3 2000 PCI in a Windows XP environment so I know it can be done easily. With a clean install and set up correctly WinXP can be just as good if not faster (due to drivers more than anything) than a 2k install but either will work perfectly fine.

There still is a strong Voodoo community out there, I forget the web site but people are still writing drivers for them. I've seen shots of Voodoo 5s running Doom 3 and such.
I've only had to try getting one Voodoo card to work under WinXP, a Voodoo Banshee. I had a lot of wierd sync problems where the screen would change to really wierd colors, then the system would lose sync and reboot. Replaced it with a Sapphire Radeon 9200 card, all problems gone.

I think that Voodoo drivers are a little shaky on XP; I'd either go back to Windows 2000, or I'd buy another video card. A used Geforce 3 or Geforce 4 Ti 4200 will easily beat your Voodoo and won't cost much on Ebay.
I had no problem with my old P2-400 system with a Voodoo 3 2000 PCI. Just use the default XP drivers.
thanks for the input. yea i figured going back to win2k would work, but after having everything set up for a while its kind of a pain to reintall and set up everything again. i didnt want to buy another card if i didnt have to cause this comp is quite old as it is, rather spend the money on upgrading my main system. just frustrated that it worked before and now its not working as well. besides the card is one of the best ive ever owned. its never failed me in the past and has always been there when my main cards die.

setting up XP on here was an experiment for me anyway. i had my doubts (still do sometimes) but for the most part it seems to run smoothly. i'll look into these options now, if anyone else has any more suggestions i would appreciate it!
You could go to guru3d.com and look at their 3dFX drivers, as far as i know they have quite a few that support WinXP. Good luck.