Voltage Issue - Second Opinion?


May 9, 2006
I have an Antec Truepower 550 connected to an Asus P4C800-E Deluxe mobo. I have recently started experience random system lockups and started troubleshooting. After alot of trial and error, I happened to notice something in the Power Management section of the BIOS that I need a second opinion on.

Basically in the power management section there is a place where it lists all of the voltage ratings for the motherboard and for the 12 volt connection it's only reading 9-10 volts. My instinct(and perhaps common sense) tells me that my PSU, which is several years old, is not supplying enough juice to the 12 volt connector on my mobo and thus causing my machine to hang. If anyone can reinforce my theory, or disprove it, I would be much obliged.

The antec true power 550 was known for having saggy 12volt droop

the antec TRIO power line is by far much better & different OEM that manufacturers them!