Voice Activated Popcorn Launching Machine

Does it only work with popcorn? I could think of a few other things to fire at loud mouths. :cool:
I wanna tweak it so it fires at any loud sound...

Randomly designated word of the day or ability to chose. Fun at parties! Popcorn randomly fireing into the crowd.... "what the F@#k *POP*... waht the F@#k *POP* ;)
Unfuckingbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOL Shit I pissed myself from laughing so much!
I want one. It'd be awesome if you could load it with other things though. I like popcorn, but it'd get old fast.
This just needs to be slightly overclocked/scaled up--to a 12oz delivery system ;o)

It would solve popcorn's aerodynamic accuracy issue too....
That's awesome. I'm thinking caramel corn's weight, more uniform shape, and tastiness might make it the idea projectile.
I want to load this with tear gas paintball pellets and have it activate on any nearby sound in sentry mode. Good times for my desk at the office. My own little autocannon.
I want to load this with tear gas paintball pellets and have it activate on any nearby sound in sentry mode. Good times for my desk at the office. My own little autocannon.

Or heavily modify it so a modified Nerf Gatling gun pops out and sprays for a second or so in the direction of the noise ;)

I could see this being modified as much as Kinect.