Nov 22, 2004
I have 2 machine on a network, I want to use both machines from the same monitor, mouse and keyboard...VNC was just to laggy for me so I tried remote desktop and it is much better I think, my question is that in order to use RD I needed to set passwords and now I need to enter a password to load up my other machine, but I dont want a second mouse or keyboard space is an issue, so just a box is what I have room for.
Can I configure windows to not promt for a password? or can I configure RD to not promt for a password?
any help will be great, thanks fellas
Easiest thing to do:

1) Open Remote Desktop Connection
2) Hit Options
3) Save As...

If you save your RD connection, you can keep the password with it.

You won't need to enter anything at all on the destination computer (remote) because windows will log in whichever user you authenticate with in RD. This is very different from VNC.

Remote desktop is superior to VNC in a number of ways, and is even usable over a 56k connection. It sends the information for drawing the windows and the letters for writing the text. Compare that to VNC that treats every screen update as an image and sends every pixel compressed.
A KVM sounds like a good solution, although I forsee problems if you don't want the machines right next to each other. Its not like passwords are a bad thing though.
I might not use the one from the link I posted, was just trying to get the idea across.

Your local Best Buy should care this actually.
Fistandantilis said:
Can I configure windows to not promt for a password? or can I configure RD to not promt for a password?
any help will be great, thanks fellas

Why not set the host machine to auto-logon?
MChief nailed it on the head. A KVM switch would not be the best option imo just because it costs money whereas remote desktop is free.

Just create your profile in remote desktop and save it. I have icons to all my servers on my desktop and double-clicking an icon is just as easy as flipping a KVM switch.

Plus the benefit is you can use remote desktop from anywhere. I log into my home machines from work using RD. Also I can use my laptop to log into any of the 150 machines on our network from wherever I may be at the moment.
And of course, RDC allows you to run in windowed mode and see multiple machines at once, unlike a KVM.

I would love to see OSX's RD client version built into windows though. 16 realtime thumbnails? whoo....
to use rdp w/o a pw open gpedit on the pc u want 2 connect 2 then

computer config>windows settings>security settings>local policies>security options and disable "Accounts: limit local account use of blank passwords..."

this also disables needing a pw for smb shares.

insecure but effective
Rix2357 said:
TightVNC is even better than UltraVNC. Cross platform compatibility.

Far as Windows only goes though...I prefer Ultra over Tight (regarding computers..that is)