VNC help needed


Limp Gawd
Apr 28, 2008
I am trying to get my iPhone to connect to my PC via RealVNC over the internet. I can get it to connect no problem locally, just not over the net. I read some other threads and they got me further than when I started, but I am not there yet. My biggest problem may be that I am behind two router firewalls (my switch would not work with Verizon's router, so I used my old router as a switch to create more connections). So here is where I am at:

iPhone running MochaVNC Lite
PC running RealVNC Free v.4.1.2
1st router at address
2nd router at WAN
2nd router at LAN
PC at
RealVNC set to port 13xxx
My IP is dynamic, but it stays the same for weeks or months (long enough for me to get this figured out anyway)

So, to start, I forwarded port 13xxx on the first router to (the second router). Then I forwarded port 13xxx on the second router to (my PC). Before I did all of this, VNC on my phone would immediately say I cannot connect. After setting it up this way, my phone viewer says it is attempting to connect to my external IP, but eventually fails. So, it seems like I am on the right track, but I am just missing something.

I like to get this figured out using my current hardware configuration if possible. If need be, I can try moving my PC onto the first router if it would help.

Any help would be appreciated.
You're double NATing..why not make things easy on yourself?

First router..leave at
Second router..make its LAN IP something like, disable DHCP on that second uplink the second router to your first router using a LAN port on each. You will not use the WAN port of your second router.

Now your second router is sorta being used just as a switch.
Well, don't I feel like the dumby:eek: I had everything originally set up properly. The problem ended up being that my PW was too long:eek:<goes and hides in a corner>:eek:

Thanks all for trying to help with my stupidity!

Now I'm off to research how to make the connection more secure. I'm sure I will be back to get troubleshooting advice on that as well.
Easy enough.
1. Download TightVNC Server/Viewer.
2. On the server (use the correct size pw :D) also, I like to change the default ports to something else 7000 or 7001 just make sure these ports aren't being used by another program. Then, go to the Administration tab and make sure Disable empty passwords and allow loopback connections is checked.
2. On the server, install freesshd and use these settings:
a. Server Status tab: SSH Server is running.
b. SSH Tab: Listen address as all interfaces, port 443, and make sure the command shell path is correct.
c. Encryption Tab: Any
d. Tunneling Tab: Allow local port fwding and Allow remote port fwding
e. Users Tab: There are three ways to set this up, Signature, NT Authentication, and Username and PW (choose one you like the best.)
f. On your Client Machine use putty (which I like to use) Hotname or IP address is the public IP address and the port 443 and make sure the SSH button is selected.
g. In the left window go to ssh and expand to click the tunneling part. Source port is the port you're going to be using on the vnc server and client connection and in the destination use your using for your connection
h. Open connection log in > Open VNC view type in the loopback and port > and Whalla!