VM smp stopped working


Feb 11, 2008
A few days ago I noticed that my vm smp stopped producing points and once i opened up the vm, i saw this:

help please
Have you restarted it? And I would suggest that you consider running the Windows SMP client instead, since now that the A3 core SMP2 units are available, you can get just as many points with it as you can with a Linux VM, minus the hassle of dealing with the VM.
Actually, wasn't A3 just a tad faster on windows vs the VM? I thought Tobit said te A3 core is more optimized on windows now for threading than the Linux a3 core was

either way, you'll get more from less, so go that route if you can :)
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Correct, Core 2.14 / 2.15 performs better in Windows then in Linux
Some WUs are equal in both OS , some run faster in Windows so on average windows will get you the best performance on the current core.
With the Q9550 in your signature you are better off with the Windows SMP with the A3 cores out. I'm still running a VM but that's because I'm running bigadvs on my i7.

I like the "oops_end" message. Reminded me of this workstation we had at the hospital that when it would crash had the text "help_rosebud" in the log.
Bottom line is if you arent doing BigADV then theres no reason for a VM :)
thanks all. i had the vm because a year or so ago, that was the way to go. where do i get the A3? i cant find it on the high performance standford page
It's ok, were all in the fight against EVG... Uh.. Cancer together
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Got it running, but i cant find the correct location for HFM to track the progress. I installed the smp in c/users/eugene/fahsmp/ . But when i chose that location for tracking, nothing showed.
Got it running, but i cant find the correct location for HFM to track the progress. I installed the smp in c/users/eugene/fahsmp/ . But when i chose that location for tracking, nothing showed.
Do a search for fahlog.txt. Whatever directory that's in is the one you want.