Visually Impaired Gamer Sues Sony

I'm beginning to despise how it seems to be mandatory to not read the news item linked before giving one's own "expert" opinion on the matter.

It's very specific claims he is making, not the strawmans being thrown around this thread like monkey shit.

According to the suit, Sony ignored repeated requests through postal mail and e-mail to come up with reasonable modifications to its games to make them more accessible. The suit, which doesn't mention SOE games by name but appears to focus on massively multiplayer online titles, requests the addition of visual cues to point gamers to their destinations for gamers with "disability impaired visual processing."

He's only talking about MMOs by Sony and cites how other MMOs at least allow 3rd party programs to aid people with disabilities, while Sony doesn't. He also mentions how Sony has ignored his other, more civil requests to help him play the game. Blizzard and others mentioned in the article have already done so.

Will he get anything out of the lawsuit? Who knows, but my bet would be probably not. At least not in money, but at least now he can be heard and his plight be understood just a bit more by others. Don't bitch when individuals sue big companies, because most of the time that's the only way big o' CEOs even give a damn.

Geeze, seriously. A thread with people wishing people like him with disabilities would go die, or be put in jail, or something else horrible.
I am a visually impaired gamer, I'm blind in one eye.


Same here more or less, not having depth perception sucks at times.

You know those 3D movies with the funny glasses? nada. Same thing with the pictures with the dots you stare at and stuff is suppose to pop out at you. nothing..

This suit disgusts me.

You play the hand life has delt you, not try and make everone else bow to your wishes.
Same here more or less, not having depth perception sucks at times.

You know those 3D movies with the funny glasses? nada. Same thing with the pictures with the dots you stare at and stuff is suppose to pop out at you. nothing..

This suit disgusts me.

You play the hand life has delt you, not try and make everone else bow to your wishes.

3D movies suck, you're not missing out really. Also I have excellent depth perception, the dots you stare at and things pop out..sometimes they don't even do anything for me.

This suit is his way to get response. If you know anything about large companies they probably just dismissed him multiple times.

If you're color blind and really love a game, but can't enjoy it because of a simple thing like's not unreasonable that they consider something to make the game accessible to you.

It's not like he is suing saying GIVE ME MILLIONS OF DOLLARS.

Maybe he just wants the game to work so he can enjoy it, why should we not make small concessions like this for those who have to live with disabilities?

A lot of you have no idea what it's like to go through life not being able to do certain things simply because of your genetics.

I'm astounded and kind of disgusted that so many of you are being fucking assholes about it, especially without even reading the article... I expected more maturity from the [H] community on this one..
better sue auto manufacturers while you're at it, how DARE they deny blind people the right to drive.

Common sense people...

This is what the commodities of civilization bring. In this context I think the guy is absolutely right. If else, what is civilization for but to overcome the "limitations of nature".?In a more Nietzschenian approach people like him will already be dead.
3D movies suck, you're not missing out really. Also I have excellent depth perception, the dots you stare at and things pop out..sometimes they don't even do anything for me.

This suit is his way to get response. If you know anything about large companies they probably just dismissed him multiple times.

If you're color blind and really love a game, but can't enjoy it because of a simple thing like's not unreasonable that they consider something to make the game accessible to you.

It's not like he is suing saying GIVE ME MILLIONS OF DOLLARS.

Maybe he just wants the game to work so he can enjoy it, why should we not make small concessions like this for those who have to live with disabilities?

A lot of you have no idea what it's like to go through life not being able to do certain things simply because of your genetics.

I'm astounded and kind of disgusted that so many of you are being fucking assholes about it, especially without even reading the article... I expected more maturity from the [H] community on this one..

The solution is very simple:

1.-Crack Open his skull.
2.-Access his cerebral Visual Cortex with depth electrodes.
3.- Directly input the Video game into his Brain.

It has been done before with low res text back in the 80s. By now he should be able to run W7 straight from his head.

And no I'm no joking.
It doesn't matter if what this guy is requesting is reasonable or not, Sony or anyone else isn't obligated to do anything about it, and they shouldn't be required to. The law suit is bogus.
3D movies suck, you're not missing out really. Also I have excellent depth perception, the dots you stare at and things pop out..sometimes they don't even do anything for me.

This suit is his way to get response. If you know anything about large companies they probably just dismissed him multiple times.

If you're color blind and really love a game, but can't enjoy it because of a simple thing like's not unreasonable that they consider something to make the game accessible to you.


Sony is under no obligation to help this chap out, sorry I don't agree with you and I AM visually impared.

No one has a right to play a video game or even expect changes made to accomodate them..

If a game company wants to invest the time and money chasing that market segment by all means they can do so if they desire.

Maybe I should sue Id Software for making Quake3 a crappy online game eh?
I've seen plenty of games with extra options for people that are color blind/ other forms of visual impairment.

Someone else already said it but it sounds like hes just asking for a simple box to check to fix a problem he is having. He probabley asked them tons of times, probabley sent them a few letters and never got any sort of response. So he sues them so it will get a little publicity and actually get looked at.

Not a huge deal, although just the idea obviously offended a lot of people on this forum for some reason.

If i go blind i am going to sue movie production houses for not producing more movies for the visually impaired...what a crock of shit...

Actually, at a lot of theatres (at least in big metro areas) there ARE devices to assist in the enjoyment of a movie by disabled people.