Vista x64 or XP x64?


Nov 14, 2006
I'm building a new system with quad core and quad ram... err I mean 4 gig worth of sheeps.

Should I choose Vista 64 bit or stick with XP 64 bit?

Frankly both of which are tough to find and both cost a bundle...
i would say xp x64, but its best to just do a dual boot of both and judge for yourself
If you don't have the extra money then stick with x64. Theres really no huge reason why you need to get Vista 64 if you already have XP x64.
If you don't have the extra money then stick with x64. Theres really no huge reason why you need to get Vista 64 if you already have XP x64.
I have neither. I have XP 32 bit. I'm building a new rig. I'm puzzled as to what OS to put in it...

(don't say Linux, my intelligence is not high enough for it)
I personally prefer Vista x64 over the XP one. The vista drivers seem better and the system seems overall more stable.
You can download Vista x64 from Windows Marketplace, as well. I just bought my copy this week and let it download overnight. You get 3 files, 2 .wim files and 1 .exe. Executing it builds a "Vista" directory with all necessary files to burn to a DVD (Unless you are on a 32-bit windows, which I am, it will show an error, which should be ignored. (took forever on google and experimentation to figure out).
They used to have a time-limited trial of XP64, but I looked around MS's site and I no longer see it.

XP64 is a little thin on driver support but it's not as bad as people make it out to be. For common stuff like video cards, sound cards, network drivers, etc., drivers are plentiful and current. It's only the more oddball stuff that is more hit or miss. Still, the industry is moving to Vista, kicking and screaming all the way. I run XP64 on my desktop and laptop and I love it, but for a new user I would probably recommend Vista.
I have been using Vista Ultimate 64 for a few months and I have had very few issues and nothing serious. I really do like Vista and already get annoyed when I have to use XP. I am mainly a gamer though so if something does go wrong I have time to fix it and don't have to worry about any business/financial repercussions.
I have used both (thanks to MSDN AA) and I have to say Vista x64 feels better for everyday usage.
Those who decide to stick with a past OS are quite happy with XP x64. Those who made the switch and are using VIsta x64, are also quite happy. Use the one that fits your needs the best, because it all comes down to personal preference. No matter how many times this question is asked, it is still personal preference, and should be answered by you, the user of the computer, and no one else.
Alas, I've never used Vista before and I'm quite comfortable with XP... It also took me quite a few years before I adapted to XP from 98...

Oh well... Might as well go for Vista. The store I go to can't get XP 64bit any time soon...
Gigabyte finally released a BIOS update for my desktop board (Starkville in my sig) and it's like night and day. I can now install Vista with all 4GB of memory installed and it has somehow brought performance out of the gutter and it's actually worth using -- even stock without any of the updates from Windows Update.

So, on my board (Gigabyte GA-M59SLI-S5) it's big swap from what I would've said even a week or two ago -- Vista x64 all the way now.
I had the same problem when I built my new machines. I wanted to go with XP but the driver support just isn't what it should be. I saw nothing but complaints since it was an OS that MS seemed to forget about. I did have to abandon my old scanner since there were no drivers, but heck it was old and I didn't use it much. I will say once I got Vista set up the way I want it runs perfectly.

I saw no reason to stick with an old OS that is only half way supported by the manufacture.
vista 64bit +1!

been using this edition for a good half a year now.. no problems what so ever.. running all apps and programs error free.
+1 for Vista 64, I dunno doesn't seem like xp 64 really had all that much going for it, no one it seems cared to much about it and it is built off of server 2003 from my understanding. I would just go Vista 64 since if it is a new rig, everything will be geared for vista!
Ok I just put in my order for Vista 64bit... It'll probably arrive at the same time as the rest of my system.

But if M$ discontinues Vista like ME and release Windows 7 next spring, I will throw a bricked 360 through Bill Gate's bedroom window... Also, I will hurt a cute little kitten...
Ok I just put in my order for Vista 64bit... It'll probably arrive at the same time as the rest of my system.

But if M$ discontinues Vista like ME and release Windows 7 next spring, I will throw a bricked 360 through Bill Gate's bedroom window... Also, I will hurt a cute little kitten...

Windows 7 is 2011.
No need for 64 bits untill 2011. Stick with 32 bits. 64 will only bring trouble and no benefits.
Windows 7 is 2011.
So what, just three more years? What...

Didn't XP come out in 2001 and still lives (and will not be discontinued any time soon)? That's at least an eight year cycle... Vista has only been out for two years!!! They're abandoning it already?


Also, I read another thread in here that says Vista activation is only available by phone and takes 20 minutes? Is that true? Can't I just activate via the net and be done in like 5 minutes?
Also, I read another thread in here that says Vista activation is only available by phone and takes 20 minutes? Is that true? Can't I just activate via the net and be done in like 5 minutes?
Man, you need to calm down. You're getting all worked up instead of thinking about it rationally. Give people a chance to answer your questions, or look up the answers yourself if they seem that farfetched. No one in that other thread said activation can only be done by phone.
Go Vista 64-bit. There's little support for 64-bit XP if any, so just go all the way down the road :].

And... 3 years for an OS isn't that bad.
You can download Vista x64 from Windows Marketplace

Isn't it US-only, though? Like so many things.

But, yeah, Vista x64 is likely to have better driver support, since companies are required to submit 64-bit Vista drivers to get WHQL certification, and never were for XP. Also, XP x64 isn't just a variant of Windows XP - it's actually a different codebase, based on Windows Server 2003.

Didn't XP come out in 2001 and still lives (and will not be discontinued any time soon)? That's at least an eight year cycle... Vista has only been out for two years!!! They're abandoning it already?

The XP->Vista delay was far longer than normal, it was somewhat of a disaster for Microsoft actually. Windows Longhorn (code-name for Vista) was originally slated to come out in 2003! They had to scrap the project and start again. If you're referring to discontinuing sales of XP, Microsoft would dearly like to do that and would have done so last year, but XP has embedded itself as "the" OS due to its long tenure, causing Vista FUD so people keep complaining when they try. Microsoft always support their OSes for a long time in terms of updates etc.; Windows 98 was supported until 2006, many years after it stopped appearing on shelves.

Incidentally, you'd be far worse off on a Mac, where they've had six versions of the OS since 2001 when XP came out, all costing in the region of $129 per release, or on Linux, where Ubuntu for instance has a new release every 6 months (and "long term support" means 3 years; normally releases get 18 months support).
No, you can download it from anywhere, as far as I know.
I live in Taiwan and bought and downloaded Vista Home Premium x64 from Windows Marketplace this last week. No problems (Except it took several hours to download the files).
Huh... That's good news.

So any tips for a new Vista user? All my system components arrived today (except the case... arg), including Vista... Anything I should know before installation?
Use latest drivers for your HW.
Look for Vista tweak guides on net - some of them are vry usefull.

btw. Your HDD will be very active first ~2 weeks - its normal.
Use latest drivers for your HW.
Look for Vista tweak guides on net - some of them are vry usefull.

btw. Your HDD will be very active first ~2 weeks - its normal.
Err? What do you mean "very active"? Is it going to go out nightly and pick up random motherboards?
Those who decide to stick with a past OS are quite happy with XP x64. Those who made the switch and are using VIsta x64, are also quite happy. Use the one that fits your needs the best, because it all comes down to personal preference. No matter how many times this question is asked, it is still personal preference, and should be answered by you, the user of the computer, and no one else.


XP x64 isn't nearly the poor choice that some people make it out to be. In fact, I'd imagine that driver support on XP x64 is and will be much better now with Vista x64 on the market; I've had no trouble finding driver support with my XP x64 install. Hardly have I had a problem with software compatibility either.

XP x64 vs Vista x64? It's your choice. I personally choose XP x64 (for now), but your preference may be different.
Err? What do you mean "very active"? Is it going to go out nightly and pick up random motherboards?

Heeh.. more like, the Indexing Service will spend some time indexing the contents of your computer (well, certain folders). The system may also be optimising the location of files on the disk, I'm not certain.
Glad to see you chose Vista, it's what I would have done.
Ah yes... Nothing boosts one's self-pity like furthering Microsoft's cause to take over the world...

Still, I have yet to build the system (the case is not here yet) so technically I have not taken the final step toward upgrading to all the "Wow"...

(Although I do have a Vista T-shirt)
One word of advice from a person who made the mistake; Don't go running a bunch of registry cleaners on Vista x64. It offers no benefit, unless you're into screwing up your system.