Vista X64 IRQ_NOT_LESS...

Oct 2, 2001
Yep our old friend :)

I get this when not in safe mode (safe mode is fine BTW) where on boot, I get the installing new hardware popup even though no new hardware has been installed or otherwise changed. After a few moments, the screen corrupts, and I get the BSOD stop error.

OK I know it's a hardware or driver issue- most likely driver, and I'm guessing my 3870 Video. I'll try to reinstall the 8.5 drivers tonight, then roll back the the decidely stable 8.4's if needed. No time over the weekend, but I'm looking for other ideas- just in case.

Otherwise Vista has been an incredibly good experience. Glad I went x64 as well. I have not run into any 32 bit compatibility.
Would you happen to have a web cam? Just a thought as I had an issue like this with my Logitech web cam. New drivers seemed to fix it.
Nope. Thought I have noticed that since installing the latest Catalyst drivers, things have been less stable- system crashes etc, but no info on the causes of the crashes.
"Drivers... it's always the god damned drivers..." is the standard response in some respects. :)

If you made a change recently, and based on your post you have by updating the Cats, there ya go. You're not the first person I've heard report issues either, actually, but the first here at the [H]. Hope the rollback goes off without a hitch.
IRQ_NOT_LESS errors are almost always driver related..