Vista windows update


Oct 22, 2005
Anyone else notice that installing updates in vista takes about 10 times longer then it did in XP?
I think everything takes ALOT longer in Vista.......driver installs, starting up my favorite game, you name it......

Lately everytime I hit the power button I hold my breath.......Vista just doesnt instill any confidence......

Unfortunately I just decided to go three way SLi and of course its exclusive to Vista......a conspiracy I think......:eek:
It doesn't seem to take any long for me. If anything, I'd say it's faster than XP, because once they are installed and the system reboots, it's done. XP would download and install, and then run some processes while it shut down, and then again as it would come back up.
It now even takes longer for vista too boot. When I first install the OS and some updates and apps it took about 4-5 green running bars when booting. Now it takes like 16 bars just in 2 weeks with just other updates. I did defrage it. How do I fix this and why it takes longer too boot?
For updates I haven't noticed any difference from XP. For starting up, I have noticed a HUGE difference--Vista is SUPER fast loading for me.
∞Velocitymaster∞;1031917620 said:
It now even takes longer for vista too boot. When I first install the OS and some updates and apps it took about 4-5 green running bars when booting. Now it takes like 16 bars just in 2 weeks with just other updates. I did defrage it. How do I fix this and why it takes longer too boot?

Superfetching has to be done sometime so you wait for all that crap to be loaded on to your box so you can 'save time' later IF you choose to open the fetched app.
On my end, updates install faster (and we still have a lot of XP machines around so I'm still seeing XP updates), but boot time longer.
I think everything takes ALOT longer in Vista.......driver installs, starting up my favorite game, you name it......

Lately everytime I hit the power button I hold my breath.......Vista just doesnt instill any confidence......

Unfortunately I just decided to go three way SLi and of course its exclusive to Vista......a conspiracy I think......:eek:

Stay on topic. And no, vista's update doesn't take longer than XP's, simple as that.
after the updates on friday I had to get a new Intel Sata driver to get my system running properly again. Once installed the new driver all was well
Stay on topic. And no, vista's update doesn't take longer than XP's, simple as that.

The topic was speed or lack my experience with Vista EVERYTHING takes longer.
simple as that, Forrest.:D
and now for something completely different......Packers, ftw!!!
Vista EVERYTHING takes longer.
simple as that, Forrest.:D

hmm... in my experience Vista is simple faster, then again i only use it for gaming and not for everyday use
hmm... in my experience Vista is simple faster, then again i only use it for gaming and not for everyday use

I generally use it only for gaming as well. I'm not sure if I just havent used it enough, or what.....but I find it to be very infruiating.
The Vista SP1 Refresh patch has speeded up everything for me. Highly recommend, but I guess YMMV. Vista is pretty snappy now! Benches also show increase. Crysis too.
I perceive my XP install to run faster, but that's just me. Boot time, XP spends more time swiping bars and Vista takes more time going to my desktop so in the end it's about the same.

While XP seems to be snappier, Vista is more pleasant to work with. The little details of maximize, minimize, the transparancies, the previews, the way it deals with progs that have crashed or locked up (which XP is NOT immune to either) just work better. My minor complaints about vista's nvidia driver's not doing 1:1 pixel mapping still stand but it's been rock solid for me as a developer and as a gamer. Save for 3D Studio Max, but I hear if I go to the next version I'll be fine save for the lack of funds for said program.

Also, I like Vista's native language support. I can have file name's of all sorts of different language sets show up fine. In XP they'd show up as all squares. That's a big improvement, I can switch from an english keyboard and text to french to japanese to chinese to arabic and all display well, too bad I can only read some of it.
After using Vista and XP side by side for 6 months now I still haven't found a thing about Vista I would like over XP. Reversely I've found numerous things I don't like.