Vista RC1 5600 will install on 1 of 2 machines


Jan 15, 2006
So here's the thing, I've recently adapted to a Macbook Pro so I've decided that I could try out Windows Vista and to my surprise I got my hands on RC1 day I was it announced online. Another weird thing was my sisters hard drive FINALLY gave out so I decided to let her try out Vista for a little while before I reinstall XP for her. I burned 2 copies of 2 different dl's so I have 4 copies. I've tried them all on my AMD machine and all it does is load up, try to boot from the DVD drive, make a weird screen flash back to complete pitch blackness and restart itself. I tried all my copies of Vista yet still nothing. However, when I installed Vista for my sister, everything went extremely smoothly, from popping in the DVD to activating RC1. I don't get it. Her machine is an old Intel p4 2.4 ghz something or other with 2 x 256 ram, 80 gig WD800JB PATA drive, Geforce 4 mx 440, on a Asus P4P800-E Deluxe board.

Things I've tried:
- moved my ram around
- removed a stick of ram leaving 512 ram on board
- removed video card Geforce 6800 gt
- removed X-Fi card
- used onboard vga AND dvi (seperately)
- reset BIOS
- used PATA drive and SATA drive for install

And I've used a combination of all those things above to try to get a different result but nothing, I've even tried to boot from XP by creating a partition but its a no go. I probably got some sort of odd problem I don't know how to fix.

I have the Asus A8N-VM CSM/NBP motherboard, AMD 3000+ Venice at stock speeds, 2 x 512 corsair sticks, and the hard drives are WD. Any ideas what might be wrong?
If the machine in question has two drives then change the boot order. I had similar problems on my computer. I have four drives. Vista would not boot unless the DVD was left in the drive. I had to change the boot order to remedy that problem. I was also unable to format my hard drive during the installation process until it was selected as the first boot drive in the BIOS.
I also have the A8N-VM CSM/NBP and it also won't let me install Vista.

I can't even boot from the DVD. I have tried several burns and 2 production DVDs from MS so it's not the DVD.

When I try to boot it will POST and then immediately black screens with DOS happy faces at the top and reboots over and over. How weird is that!

I don't have any cards in the MB at all. It is strictly running with on-board periferals. I have tried disabling on-board periferals one at a time until only the on-board video is enabled and the same thing happens.

I have also tried installing WinXP first and then installing Vista from within XP. It will finish all procedures in XP but when the system reboots, it does the black screen thing and reboots as with the DVD in the dirve, even if the DVD is removed.

Upgrading to Vista from within XP produces the same results.

Athlon64 3500+
Lite-On DVD reader
Maxtor 80GB IDE HD
500W Power Supply

Any ideas?
It seems that Vista doesn't like later motherboards. It wouldn't install on my MSI K8 but it installed perfect on a ECS NF3 using the same disc. I woul suggest downloading Vista Upgrade advisor, and use that to see if there's a hadware conflict. Vista didn't like the gigabit nic onboard controller that MSI uses, a Vitesse model/ This is from the Vista NF3. So far no luck getting any printer hooked up. Trying to get my Lexmark going only resulted in a crash. My NF2 MSI also loaded a copy of Vista without a problem.