Vista packaging pictures

stylish with the rounded corner ha...the packaging looks like plastic, instead of cardboard.
Revealed two days ago on the Windows Vista Team Blog, Office 2007 and Vista will now come in a small, hard plastic container that appears to be about the size of a normal DVD shell.

Vista blogger Nick White said:

Designed to be user-friendly, the new packaging is a small, hard, plastic container that’s designed to protect the software inside for life-long use. It provides a convenient and attractive place for you to permanently store both discs and documentation. The new design will provide the strength, dimensional stability and impact resistance required when packaging software today. Our plan is to extend this packaging style to other Microsoft products after the launch of Windows Vista and 2007 Office system.

Here is the new Office 2007 packaging page.
long life.. hmmm so you can install it and if you upgrade one to many times you can always stare at the pretty plastic packaging.
Nice packaging... Being a plastic box will indeed help protect the contents since most ppl will keep it for many years.
They look good...
I'm probably going to get the Home Premium, but damn; the Ultimate edition looks really sexy in black...