Vista IE7 and Visual Studio 2003


Oct 9, 2004
I have been using Vista for about 30 days now and it was bothering me that the system would constantly freeze up on me. I have not done any coding in the last few days and I noticed that my problems with Vista have just about gone away. I put two and two together and when I fired up Visual Studio 2003 my internet connection froze up on me. I have tried turning off the security protection in Explorer but that made no difference.

If I close VS then all is good with Explore and my internet connection returns to normal. I know that Microsoft technically is stating that VS 2003 is not supported for Vista but besides this problem with the web broswer I have yet to find anything that is not compatible for me and I don't want to spend the money on VS 2005o. I could try using Firefox instead of Explorer but that probably will have the same result and it just bugs me that two Microsoft products won't work together. Anybody have any ideas?
Question: is the Visual Studio Express (freely avaliable from MS) not sufficient to meet your needs?
I'm looking into the VS 2005 free express option but from what I can tell the C++ compiler does not support MFC which would be a problem for me.