Vista Home Premium Upgrade SP1


May 4, 2005
Is there a retail version that contains both 32bit and 64bit disks? Think the one I picked up at Walmart has the 32bit disk only. It says on a sticker at the bottom that theres instructions inside on how to obtain the 32bit CDs or 64bit DVD :mad:

BTW I haven't opened the box, just going by what it says outside.
Ultimate comes with both versions. For all other retail versions (Home Basic, Home Premium, Business) you have to order another disc from Microsoft (I think they charge $10). For OEM versions you get only the version you specified.
Ultimate comes with both versions. For all other retail versions you have to order another disc from Microsoft (I think they charge $10). For OEM versions you get only the version you specified.

Grrrrrr I knew it... bah, won't be able to fire up my new rig because of this :mad:

Thanks for the quick response.