Vista + 7950gt + 2407 = ARGH!!!


Oct 16, 2004
Well, as the title would suggest, I'm having a bit of a problem, hoping someone can help. Specifically, I'm unable to get the panel scaling settings to stick in Vista. You know, when you right click on the desktop, choose NVIDIA control panel, display, then panel scaling? Well, when I choose use Nvidia scaling with fixed aspect ratio, the screen would switch to 800x600 withOUT fixed aspect ratio, as in, it stretches to fill the screen instead putting up black bars on the side. I would change it back to 1920x1200, whether via the resolution slider or hitting the 'switch to native resolution' button, then get out of the nvidia panel, only to go back into it to find that it has defaulted to 'use the display's scaling' instead.

Has anyone ran into anything like this? For reference, I'm running Vista Home Premium, video card is eVGA 7950gt using the latest WHQL driver (NOT the beta drivers) and a dell 2407wfp A04.

Thanks ahead of time!
I'm haveing the same problems with WINDOWS XP + XFX 8800GTS 640mb + 2407 reva04...

I think its a problem in the drivers... the screen always think you have 1920*1200 signal... this problem only happens with DVI... with VGA the 1:1 works fine because the sceen knows that is getting a resolution different from 1920*1200...

And I think it's a problem with the drivers because during the boot up sequence I can chose 1:1 in the screen and it detects correctly the resolution in every moment... so...

please post any thing if you get the solution...
I guess the question would be, is that a problem with the 2407 drivers, or the nvidia drivers?

Sigh.. it's so frustrating having to wait on a manufacturer of a hardware to come up with something to make a feature work.
i don't have drivers for the 2407, do you?

i think it's with the nvidia drivers...i found other problems like i can't set 2 differents resolutions in 2 screens. for example 1920x1200 in port1 and 1024x768 in port 2 to a projector ...
with eizo flexscan s2411W i'm haveing the same problem... lastest drivers of 17 april ...