Vista 64 gaming issues, considering XP again


Fully [H]
Feb 19, 2008
Well here's my ordeal, and I need advice.

I got Vista 64 up and running great, system and OS is all stable but I'm having a lot of problems with gaming. Crysis keeps crashing no mater what combination of 64/32 bit or dx9/10 or sli I run. 32 bit crysis crashes almost immediately after I start it. I also run Vegas 1 on it, and it crashes, with that one nvidia error where it recovers after a few seconds. I thought maybe it was hardware so I reinstalled XP to test, but have been playing crysis for 2 days w/o a single problem.

Is SP1 giving me issues? Is Vista 64 truly this buggy? I'd consider Vista 32 bit but when I tried that I only saw 2.2gb of ram but XP see's 2.7gb. (yes I understand 32 bit limitation, just pointing out that if I'm going 32 bit I will go with XP)

I'd like to stick with Vista 64 to be able to use all 4gb of ram but what's the point if it keeps crashing.

Under 64 bit I have the most updated drivers and disabled NCQ but nothing seems to fix the crashing.

What should I do? Just deal with it and hope for Driver fixes?
I am curently using Vista Home Premium x64. I've had a few minor issues, but no crashing either before or after SP1. I had a couple of games that I could not get to work, but eventually found a workaround. I just had a problem with Brothers in Arms Earned in Blood. (At the end of installation, it has to reboot the computer.) As soon as the computer rebooted, I believe that the security on this game caused my computer not to boot. I had to boot from last know good configuration. I'm not sure this game is worth the extra effort. Otherwise, I have been very happy with Vista, and SP1, and gaming on Vista.
Well it's really not Vista x64, I run Vista x64 and have no problems with any games (I play cs:s, tf2, crysis, ut3). It sounds like a driver error, try new drivers for video card and motherboard, also did the game crashes give any error codes? Look them up in a web search engine, and see if the event log has anything of interest.
Yeah I checked the event log. crysis64.exe crashed once, also had a couple nvidia ones that crashed and there was one, something like Com + (something) crashed. I found that to be common among people to have problems with.
com surrogate. I've seen a problem there related to nvidia drivers and to bad codecs. Try newer forceware, or if you have the newest try older ones until newer ones get released.
Are you guys letting windows use it's own SATA driver or are you using Nvidias?(Have 680i LT sli board) I was not using Nvidias because I don't want the stupid safely remove hardware icon to be there due to eSata. But if you guys are using them, and not having problems, maybe it's related.

On a side note, as well as Nvidia sata drivers, what Nforce chipset drivers are you using for those with Nforce boards?
I have a 650i board with Vista Ultimate x64

I'm using the nVidia SATA nForce drivers w/o issue. I run UT3 w/o issues.
I expect the crashes are Nvidia 64bit driver related. In the early days of Vista it has been reported by Microsoft that Nvidia video drivers were the No.1 cause of issues in Vista. Nvidia makes good hardware but shite drivers. I want to switch my 4GB system to Vista64 too but these issues are the reason I am keeping it XP 32bit for now and using Vista 32bit on another system with only 2GB of ram. I also have a WinME system for my even older games. It's madness that I need three computers to do everything I want.
What version forceware are you using? I'm going to try the 174.85, if I still crash I'm going to roll back to a driver from a few months ago and need to know what's stable.

I think I'm just going to let Vista 64 provide all drivers that it can an only use nvidia for those that it can't, so basically, the graphics cards themselves.
Well I reinstalled and used Vista x64 drivers for everything including sound, network and sata. When I ran windows update I just hid the Nvidia drivers so I don't get those anymore. Used 174.85 graphics beta drivers and so far it's stable after a few hours.

I didn't want to take a chance with crappy Nvidia x64 drivers so I'll stay away from them except for graphics, because obviously it's working fine now w/o them.

Side issue though, with these drivers, Crysis seems to be a little jerky, but the FPS is around 40, still kinda jerky/not synced up properly. Even with motion blur it's noticeable, but it's mostly during the cinematics. I don't see how it can see jerky with 40fps.
I don't know, I suspect your motherboard again, as I play crysis on very high and get 30 - 40 fps and don't experience any jerkyness. Try non-beta graphics drivers..
I don't know, I suspect your motherboard again, as I play crysis on very high and get 30 - 40 fps and don't experience any jerkyness. Try non-beta graphics drivers..
Downloading 174.74 right now to give a whirl. The motherboard isn't bad because if it was it wouldn't just be a performance issue in one game only, I would blue screen/have other issues than 1 game.

Anyways, I turned on vsync and it helps with the tearing some. And I guess the jerkiness I might have been confusing while it was loading :D, since it is a mostly seamless game (entering building stuff loads, etc)
I tried new drivers, system crashed, tried uninstalling them and kept getting blue screens on vista boot. Decided to run windows memory test and it shows an error. Lrand failed. Thing that memory error has been causing all my problems all along? I have 4 1gb sticks, keeping the kits together, 1 kit failed, 1 passed.

Unfortunately windows still won't boot even with those out but I'm thinking if there was an error that some systems in vista are corrupt,
I tried new drivers, system crashed, tried uninstalling them and kept getting blue screens on vista boot. Decided to run windows memory test and it shows an error. Lrand failed. Thing that memory error has been causing all my problems all along? I have 4 1gb sticks, keeping the kits together, 1 kit failed, 1 passed.

Unfortunately windows still won't boot even with those out but I'm thinking if there was an error that some systems in vista are corrupt,

Try safe mode. If you get in, run a chkdisk. If not, time for a repair install.
Try safe mode. If you get in, run a chkdisk. If not, time for a repair install.
It still blue screened even in safe mode, it got do chkdisk file or something like that and would blue screen. I tried repair and it couldn't repair, so I just had to reinstall. The memory diagnostic ended up showing 21 errors on 1 bank and 2 from the other bank. I pulled both sticks and put the original 2 back in and tested those, zero problems. I think reinstalling is the best bet anyways because who knows how many corrupt files on are the system from that memory returning faulty data. That's probably why all the crashes in game and why I couldn't get the OS to load, corrupt files from bad memory.

I'll just RMA these, have lifetime warranty. I'll deal with 2gb for now. Crysis reinstalled and no issues for a few hours now. It does have more lag though when it loads stuff up as your playing. With 4gb it doesn't slowdown at all when your playing and it loads.