Vista 32: Set Affinity Permanently


Jun 5, 2007
Does anyone here know how to set Affinity permanently? I have to set it manually every time I restart my computer. Thanks.
There is a tool that was part of a resource kit that can permanently alter the affinity in the .exe file, but I'll ask the same question the other poster did: what possible reason could there be to do such a thing?
Do I have to install a certain software or I can just do some stuff in their command line?
As others have cautioned, this can cause some troubles, and has no real reason to do so.
There's still a few games here and there that freak out until you set the affinity to use one core, even under Vista.
There's still a few games here and there that freak out until you set the affinity to use one core, even under Vista.
I haven't seen that yet and i've been using the release version of Vista for several months. Can you give an example of a game that has problems?