Vista 32-bit - not updating or allowing certain programs to install.


[H]F Junkie
Jul 11, 2001
I was recently given a laptop to clean up. This laptop is running 32-bit Vista.

The issue I'm having is that trying to do windows updates will sit at "checking for updates" forever. Trying to install Microsoft Security Essentials will sit at "Installing security essentials" forever.

The main problem was that the owner had installed numerous "registry cleaner" style apps on the laptop, some of which were giving her pop-ups to "activate" the software, etc.

I ran combofix which found and removed some stuff. Malwarebytes installed and updated fine, found and removed some more stuff.

The computer had Windows Defender and a trial version of McAfee. I removed McAfee. Windows Defender had definitions from 2010 and would NOT auto-update it's definitions, it would just search endlessly the same as the windows updates. I downloaded the manual definitions onto a USB drive and updated it that way. I ran a scan but windows defender did not find anything (beyond what the other apps already removed).

-I tried to install Security Essentials over Windows Defender but the installer would just sit at "installing security essentials" forever, even over-night.

-Automatic updates are setup properly, but when I open up Windows Update, it says that it has "never" previously checked for or installed for updates. When I click the button to check for updates, it will be "checking for updates" forever, even over-night.

-I ran an SFC /scannow but it didn't find any integrity violations.

-I ran a Chkdsk c: /f but it didn't find any errors.

-Running combofix, malwarebytes, and windows defender again don't find any additional malware.

The computer doesn't appear to be infected with malware anymore, but I feel like there is still something going on due to the problems I'm still having running windows updates and installing security essentials. I manually updated Internet Explorer to version 9, which installed some updates in the process, but the behavior of Windows Update afterward was unchanged.

Windows Defender is being disabled automatically for some reason on each bootup. Security Center pops up warning me that it is disabled and I can click the button to "turn it on" again, after which it remains enabled until next boot, but it still shouldn't be getting disabled automatically...

Any suggestions on where I might proceed from here? Or why Windows Updates aren't working? I'm thinking maybe trying to do a repair install of Vista, or maybe even trying to upgrade it to Windows 7. Not sure if trying to upgrade the OS on a laptop that has issues is a good idea.
Nuke and pave the end it will work better this way.

If it was my laptop I would have done that long ago, but that is a bit beyond the scope of the simple malware removal I was asked to perform.

I'm currently trying to install a stand-alone windows update rollup package, and just as in every other case, this is sitting at "Searching for updates" and going nowhere fast.
Its a good possibility this is a RTM release which has issues. Does it even have sp1.

I known original RTM you needed to run the service pack preparation tool or something to that effect. Google it. I have like 2 vista machines out of 1000 so this is all memory recollection.
Its a good possibility this is a RTM release which has issues. Does it even have sp1.

I known original RTM you needed to run the service pack preparation tool or something to that effect. Google it. I have like 2 vista machines out of 1000 so this is all memory recollection.

It actually does have SP2 somehow. It must have been manually installed at some point.

I used Msconfig to boot into diagnostic startup, and after manually starting the windows update service, I was able to successfully install Microsoft Security Essentials, as well as the standalone update rollup package. I couldn't do regular windows updates because the networking services were disabled in diagnostic startup.

I went back to booting in normal mode and anything associated with windows update went back to not working again, so it seems like it's some sort of service conflict. If I can find a list of exactly what services I need to enable to get networking working I could probably boot into diagnostic startup again in order to install updates, but that seems like my only lead at the moment.
How about a repair install to replace the missing/damaged registry entried removed/deleted by those registry cleaners?