Violence in Doom: How long till media up in arms again?

Oct 26, 2003
We know it's coming, as this is probably one of the goriest, most realistic looking shooters today. Can't wait till all these family rights groups and Joe Lieberman get all over this one.
As soon as some underage kid gets the game, some mother will complain.
The media will decide to pursue it whenever they run out of other stories, or when its convienent to beat that issue, say, for example, in the wake of a school shooting. If it was a serious issue, then think tanks and universities would be pursuing it, as opposed to the media outlets that thrive on creating hype and a new boogeyman every week.
Not likely.. Although your knowledge of politics astounds me.

*On subject ... I do think people will jump on the game, who cares. If parents did their job, then their kid wouldn't have it. When I was younger my parents owned my life and controlled what I did and didn't do/see. If some parent lets their kid have the game, and he kills people...

send the parent to jail....

... then fire the MISSLES!
DR_K13 said:
lol bush will most likley say its a threat to america :D

Yeah with all the monsters running around in the real world! :p
It won't even make a ripple. Just employ all the overly violent kids as soldiers and send them to Iran (Iraq is already occupied)

The original Doom made such a stir because it was unique for its time, now its just a sequel lost in a sea of violent games. Its not even overly concerning, because you are killing monsters and stuff, very unlike Grand theft auto or WolfET type games which have you killing other people in a fairly realistic environment.
I dont know. This is the biggest step towards realism since Mortal Kombat. Wouldn't surprise me at all if it hit the news. Luckily most politicians have more important things to do right now.
theNoid said:
Not likely.. Although your knowledge of politics astounds me.

*On subject ... I do think people will jump on the game, who cares. If parents did their job, then their kid wouldn't have it. When I was younger my parents owned my life and controlled what I did and didn't do/see. If some parent lets their kid have the game, and he kills people...

send the parent to jail....

... then fire the MISSLES!

hehehehe but what if the are le tired????
DR_K13 said:
lol bush will most likley say its a threat to america :D

Actually, Bush might approve of it, after all you are destroying the demons of hell in the game, ole' GW might even give it a whirl.
Kerry might play it, and decide he likes it... then next week try to pass a bill to ban it.
ozbej said:
Kerry might play it, and decide he likes it... then next week try to pass a bill to ban it.

HAHAHA. It's funny cause it's true.














All the top media news channels in Chicago are already saying that they will cover Doom 3 on the news at 10pm. Looks like we are in for a ride...
I think politicians will stick to blaming games like Manhunt and GTA3. While Doom3 is pretty gorey, the argument loses what little steam it has when you realize you're shooting created monsters and evil baddies that are half machine/have flesh.
enm4r said:
I think politicians will stick to blaming games like Manhunt and GTA3. While Doom3 is pretty gorey, the argument loses what little steam it has when you realize you're shooting created monsters and evil baddies that are half machine/have flesh.
You hit on one key element....blame. These games which are designed for mature people make easy targets for politicians to flame rather than try to fix things. Rather than parents keep games away from their kids.
The violence in Doom III is nothing compared to Manhunt. That's a guarantee.

This whole argument about violent games making violent people is nonsense. I've played violent games since I was fairly young and, though desensitized, I'm a perfectly normal guy.

Plus, I haven't killed any puppies or children hours.
Does anyone remember the outcry over "Ethnic Cleansing"? That was a much bigger issue, considering it was not only violent, but reinforced racial stereotyes and encouraged hate. IMO thats more damaging to kids than shooting at demons and monsters.
I suppose the next school shooting is going to have people wanting this off the shelves, just like the original Postal
Hahaha... this game is NOTHING in terms of violence in comparison to recently released games, Manhunt and The Suffering.

DOOM3 is hardly violent.


I mean CHRIST, in Manhunt you can freaking wrap wire around a man's neck, put your knee in his back, and saw his head off WITH THE WIRE.
Seriously as soon as some kid kills a dead zombie in real life the fhit is gonna hit the san.....
ozbej said:
Kerry might play it, and decide he likes it... then next week try to pass a bill to ban it.

oozish said:
HAHAHA. It's funny cause it's true.

SAD AND TRUE (the poor guy is so confused he isnt sure what he said first anymore)
ZenOps said:
It won't even make a ripple. Just employ all the overly violent kids as soldiers and send them to Iran (Iraq is already occupied)

The original Doom made such a stir because it was unique for its time, now its just a sequel lost in a sea of violent games. Its not even overly concerning, because you are killing monsters and stuff, very unlike Grand theft auto or WolfET type games which have you killing other people in a fairly realistic environment.

Yeah you get a bunch of hyperactive thugs with weapons handling training/skills on the loose....nice enough civilians (and coalition troops) are not suffering the consequences of the Iraq war now with car bombings and suicide bombings going on in Iraq you wanna spread that to Iran too :rolleyes:

Anyway back on topic...the whole "OMG...blame movies/video games/TV for my kids being f*cknuts" is retarded. I watch plenty of violent movies, play violent games and watch god knows how much crap on TV (even when i was underage) but I dont go round mugging old ladies, killing kids in school (not that I am in school anymore) etc. I like to think i am a fairly well balanced kinda guy...and that has more to do with upbringing and education...not the kind of games i play and movies i watch

These things have a rating for a reason...and if parents/people dont want to follow them then they are to blame...Bottom line...too many people that are not fit to have kids do....sounds right wing but its the truth.
Why is Wal-Mart selling Doom 3? I think it it one word: MONEY. They want it, and they know we have it, heh. I would like to hear from some top official in the Wal-Mart Corporation go on TV and tell the whole world why they are allowing Doom 3 to be sold in thier stores. This I got to hear.
It might be a while, might not be long, may never happen. Usually someone eventually chooses a scapegoat for their own stupidity/lack of responsibility and wants to play the blame game, espeically if there is any money to be had from doing so. I've played tons of violent videos games, tons of violent movies etc. from a very young age, Hell my parents didn't want me to be able to watch PG-13 movies until I was 13 and the same plan for "R" I'm sure, but I managed to sneek a peek at batman at age 12 and it all changed after that
. So after all those violent movies and games my parents let me play and watch, I'm 22 and I don't even like to get in fights, but I will get crazy if I have to.
So I don't think it is fair for anybody to blame computer games and movies on acts of violence, reality TV however, well that crap is a whole different story. That stuff makes me angry everytime I see a preview.
kronchev said:
I'm just really surprised wal-mart is selling it
Yet they won't sell music with explicit lyrics, and they will sell violent movies with explicit lyrics.
MemoryInAGarden said:
I suppose the next school shooting is going to have people wanting this off the shelves, just like the original Postal

god the original postal was BRUTAL. i got wolfenstein when I was a kid when it first came out (my dad gave it to me :D) and i loved that, and doom, but i could never play postal. damn concious thing. of course i can play it now because its riducleous and a video game and i have grown and matured etc, but back then i thought "wow thats kind of sick"
I'm sure Lieberman is already drafting the bill. All we need is some english psycho to go kill some 14 year old and have the victim's parents blame it on Doom3.
the violence in Doom really doesn't bother me at all because it's all zombies and demons. i don't see why anyone else would have a problem with it either.

now shooting people in games like Call of Duty.. well i actually felt bad about that at least for the first few kills. ;) also killing cops in Manhunt was pretty bad too.
Tazman2 said:
O M G! :eek:

PS: I hope they get sued for using duke on their webpage without permission! hahahha

i agree they need to get there ass sued for not having premission for a image that someone else made.....should we tell 3d releams?

it also looks like there website is down...that has to be a plus..fucking game haters lol