Viewsonic VP930 Support Thread

Sep 10, 2005
Hey all,

I have two Viewsonic VP930 monitors, and have had frequent problems with both. Occasionally, I will get green vertical lines, in dark areas. This is noticeable when booting up, and the windows logo is surrounded by black. I'll attach some pictures to show you my problem. I've had a look on newegg, and it seems many other people are having this problem. Anyone having the same problem post in this thread, tell me what you have done, and what viewsonic has done to fix the problem. I've sent each monitor in for repair once. One, I didn't know what was done, on the second one, they were unable to reproduce the fault, so they sent me a new cable. I'd love to hear your thoughts.


Here you can see the two displays side by side. The left monitor is faulty, and the right one is okay.

The first image here is the faulty monitor. Compare the dark areas with the second picture, on the working monitor. It's easy to compare.
