Videocard for my Shuttle HTPC


Jun 24, 2005
Im looking for a videocard for my HTPC that will at least perform at a 7900GT level and be under $80 and will fit in my Shuttle SN25P, the 79 fit great but it cant be much bigger or longer than that. The reason im looking for 7900GT or better is that had this in it before but the card died and id like to be able to the keep the performance at least relative to what it was before. I have been looking at a GeForce 9500 GT 1GB but it only has 128-bit Memory Interface is that going to be a big deal. Any others youd suggest? Im trying to stick with Evga or BFG or if its considerable cheaper maybe XFX. Any help would be awesome.
Wow, that's a killer price on that card after rebate... only $36... :eek:

It would probably perform just a bit better than the 7900GT did.

For an HTPC I wouldn't suggest anything but on of the cooler running single slot cards such as the 9500GT or 9400GT. And really I would go for a DDR3 card instead of one with DDR2 if you can help it at all, the DDR2 version of the 9500GT is a bit on the slow side when compared to the DDR2 version.

This card would be much better:

Or you could spend a bit more and get a single-slot 8800GT or 9800GT, they would offer a LOT more gaming performance. I guess it all depends on how much you use your HTPC for gaming?
Well a 8800gt or 9800gt are wayy too long for a shuttle and that limits alot of what i can go with, also it only has a 250w powersupply which is fine for alot of the midrange cards but not nearly enough for high end. And i dont game that much on it, mainly i want the better video performace for HD content and the fact that i sometimes use it at lans or if i dont one of my friends whos computer is a little behind uses it. So midrange is perfect.
I know this is power thrifty (doesn't require any connector - just the PCIe slot) and short in length. Don't know how well it would do on your 250W. SFF PCs have always puzzled me with their tiny power supplies paired with cards (like what you have) that call for a much higher minimum.

If you can't do a double slot there are plenty of single slot HD 4670s.
I know this is power thrifty (doesn't require any connector - just the PCIe slot) and short in length. Don't know how well it would do on your 250W. SFF PCs have always puzzled me with their tiny power supplies paired with cards (like what you have) that call for a much higher minimum.

If you can't do a double slot there are plenty of single slot HD 4670s.

Thanks for the link but i posted in in the nVidia section for a reason. :p I had that concern as well when i was running the 7900GT on a 250w but i think what killed it was the overclock i did on it when it was in my main rig and that some 7900's have issues.

Also, I can't find a 9400/9500 card with the standard 256-bus sorry.
i came to same conclusion on the 256-bus :( I will most likely be going with the 512mb GDDR3 9500gt. Would the 1GB in the GDDR2 card give any performance over the 512 GDDR3 one?
Well a 8800gt or 9800gt are wayy too long for a shuttle

A 9800 should fit ok in there:

GeForce in a Shuttle

Well, I can't seem to get images to work, but look here:
I ended up getting the GeForce 9500GT 512Mb GDDR3 version about a month ago, got $12 back from using paypal and a 25 mail in rebate. so ended up costing me something like $40 overall. Runs things smoothly.
When it comes too HTPC, nothing comes close to AMD/ATI... Native Hdmi and low power can't be beat. 4670 or 4830/4850 are your best options.