Video streams are faster when using a proxy... Really odd


Jan 17, 2006

So i'm behind a fiber 100mbit connection, and for the past few weeks i've been noticing overall slowness on everything video related, from youtube to any kind of stream using flash video.

If I try to watch a video on youtube it will constantly buffer, the same with stuff like ustream and the like.

The odd thing is that I have VPN service that I use to avoid regional restrictions, and when I use it to stream anything, then all the videos and streams are silky smooth and load pretty quickly....... which is odd since It should work on reverse. Also, a speed test through the proxy gives me no more than 10mbit, while without the proxy I get 95+mbit.

What's happening here? Is it something with the router? I've never heard of the ISP throttling stuff.

Like I said, everything works perfectly, except video streams. I can max out torrents at more than 10 MB/s

The router im using is a D-link dir-855 (provided by my isp). I head about disabling QoS but I already did and it didn't help much.

Any ideas?

The ISP is throttling stuff =D

The same works for a PS3 on Comcast. If you point it at an http proxy (I do) downloads are 10X faster than w/o. It looks like Comcast is looking at the user agent in the http request, seeing that it's a PS3 and throttling the bandwidth for whatever damn reason. Looks like your ISP is doing something similar.
If it was only youtube, I'd say there's an issue between your ISP and whichever content caching service youtube uses (if it does) but since you said "any kind of stream" then it seems content based.

I suppose you could try to stream something off some oddball site and see if the behavior changes, then that would tell you that's they're only throttling major sites.
try pinging the video sites without the vpn, then with.

packet loss or high latency without vpn means that your ISP has a shitty backbone connection to wherever they are hosted and your vpn doesn't.