Video Problem


Sep 22, 2004
I just finished my first HTPC and love it except for a few minor problems. The major issue I'm having is that video will sometimes stop, with both recorded items or live tv, while sound will continue in the background. Sometimes if I wait a minute or two the video will catch up and I can continue watching my show. More often though playback stops and the screen flickers black. I can sometimes alt-tab out of Media Center but if I try and get back into the program I get a message stating that my "video card or drivers are not compatible with Media Center".

This leads me to believe the trouble is with my video card. I've checked the compatibility list and my 5600 is not listed. The list does say it isn't complete so before I run out and buy a different video card I wanted to see if anyone has had similar trouble with or without this card or if anyone has used a 5600 with success.

Here is my setup:

Media Center 2005
amd xp 2400
msi k7n2
512mb ram
5600 ultra
Hauppauge WinTV-PVR-500 MCE
seagate 250gb

If I do need a new video card I'll go with a 5200. Does any brand stand out as the best choice for an HTPC?

You do realize that a 5200 would be a downgrade, right?

Are you using the MCE drivers for your card? What it sounds like is that at times your CPU is kicking up to 100% usage which is why the video stops but the sound contines, what codec do you have installed?
Yes I realize the 5200 would be a downgrade, but it appears on the compatible list while the 5600 did not. I'm really grasping at straws now as I've tried everything I can think of.

I have the MCE graphic drivers from nvidia. The latest ones available on their site, 71.84.

I initially installed powerDVD and just recently switched to nvidia DVD. I have the same trouble with either.
For MCE what you need is a DX9 level card, that simple. Have you tried a clean install of everything?
I've tried a clean reinstall of Windows and all the software. Still having the exact same problem. :(
Well I bought an ati 9600 from ebay and installed it in my media box. It has been running for over a day now with no lock ups so it looks like the 5600 was my problem after all.

Hope this helps anyone out there that may have a similar issue.